SAVE TO Command

Example   See Also

Stores current variables and arrays to a variable file or memo field.


SAVE TO FileName | MEMO MemoFieldName
  [ALL LIKE Skeleton | ALL EXCEPT Skeleton]



Specifies the variable file in which the variables and arrays are saved. The default extension for a variable file is .mem.

MEMO MemoFieldName

Specifies the memo field in which the variables and arrays are saved.

ALL LIKE Skeleton

Specifies that all variables and arrays which match the specified Skeleton be saved. The skeleton can include the question mark (?) and asterisk (*) wildcards.


Specifies that all variables and arrays except those that match the specified Skeleton be saved. The skeleton can include the question mark (?) and asterisk (*) wildcards.


Use RESTORE FROM to place variables and arrays back into memory from a variable file or memo field. Note that object type variables cannot be saved to a variable file or memo field.

The variable file or memo field is marked with the current code page.