SQLCOLUMNS( ) Function

Example   See Also

Stores a list of column names and information about each column for the specified data source table to a Visual FoxPro cursor.


SQLCOLUMNS(nConnectionHandle, TableName
   [, "FOXPRO" | "NATIVE"] [, CursorName])





Active connection handle.


Specifies the name of the table from which the column names are returned. TableName can contain the wildcard characters ? and *. The question mark (?) matches any single character and the asterisk (*) matches any number of characters.


Specifies the format for the column information in the result set. Be sure to enclose FOXPRO or NATIVE in quotation marks. The NATIVE format option stores column information for tables in the same format as the data source. The FOXPRO format option stores the column information in the same format as that used for the Visual FoxPro table or cursor that would be created if you imported the data source table into Visual FoxPro. If you omit FOXPRO or NATIVE, the format option defaults to FOXPRO.

The following table shows the columns in the result set for the FOXPRO format.

Column name Description
Field_name Column name
Field_type Column data type
Field_len Column length
Field_dec Number of decimal places

The following table shows the columns in the result set for the NATIVE format. In NATIVE format, depending on the data source, additional columns not listed in the following table may be included in the result set.

Column name Description
Table_qualifier Table qualifier identifier
Table_owner Table owner identifier
Table_name Table identifier
Column_name Column identifier
Data_type Column data type
Type_name Column data type name
Precision Precision of the column
Length Transfer size of the data
Scale Scale of the column
Radix Base for Numeric type
Nullable Supports null values
Remarks Description of the column

If the table you specify with TableName doesn't exist and the format is set to NATIVE, SQLCOLUMNS( ) returns true (.T.) and creates an empty table or cursor. If the table you specify with TableName doesn't exist and the format is set to FOXPRO, SQLCOLUMNS( ) returns false (.F.).


Specifies the name of the Visual FoxPro cursor for the result set. If you don't include a cursor name, Visual FoxPro uses the default name SQLRESULT.


SQLCOLUMNS( ) returns 1 if the cursor is successfully created, 0 if SQLCOLUMNS( ) is still executing,  – 1 if a connection level error occurs, and  – 2 if an environment level error occurs.

SQLCOLUMNS( ) is one of the four functions that you can execute either synchronously or asynchronously. The Asynchronous setting of SQLSETPROP( ) determines if these functions execute synchronously or asynchronously. In asynchronous mode, you must call SQLCOLUMNS( ) repeatedly until a value other than false (.F.) (still executing) is returned.