Unload Event

Applies To   See Also

Occurs when an object is released.


PROCEDURE Object.Unload



Uniquely identifies a control if it is in a control array.


The Unload event is the last event to occur before a form set or form is released. Unload occurs after the Destroy event and after all the contained objects have been released.

The occurrence of this event depends on the type of object:

If a container object, such as a form set, contains objects, the Unload event for the container object occurs after the Unload events for the objects it contains. For example, a form set containing one form that contains one control (a CommandButton) is released in this order:

  1. FormSet's Destroy event

  2. Form's Destroy event

  3. CommandButton's Destroy event

  4. Form's Unload event

  5. FormSet's Unload event