WEXIST( ) Function

Example   See Also

Determines whether the specified user-defined window exists.







Specifies the name of the user-defined window.

You can also specify the name of a Visual FoxPro system window (the Command window, the Data Session window, a Browse window, and so on), and in Visual FoxPro, the name of a toolbar. WEXIST( ) returns true (.T.) if the system window or toolbar you specify is visible or hidden. WEXIST( ) returns false (.F.) if the specified system window or toolbar is closed.

Two exceptions are the Command and Debug windows. Including the Command window's name in WEXIST( ) always returns a true value. If the Debug window has been opened, WEXIST( ) returns true, even if the Debug window is closed.


WEXIST( ) returns true (.T.) if the user-defined window you specify has been created with DEFINE WINDOW; otherwise WEXIST( ) returns false (.F.). The specified window doesn't have to be active or visible for WEXIST( ) to return true (.T.), but it must exist.