WOUTPUT( ) Function

Example   See Also

Determines whether output is being directed to the active or specified window.




Logical and Character



Specifies the window WOUTPUT( ) evaluates for output. Output cannot be directed to a system window or toolbar. If you omit WindowName, WOUTPUT( ) returns the name of the window to which output is currently directed. You can also include the empty string in WindowName to specify the main Visual FoxPro window.

WOUTPUT( ) returns the empty string if output is being directed to the main Visual FoxPro window.


WOUTPUT( ) returns true (.T.) if the specified user-defined window is the active output window. WOUTPUT( ) returns false (.F.) if the window you specify doesn't exist or is a system window. The last user-defined window activated with ACTIVATE WINDOW is the active output window.