Form Controls Toolbar

See Also

You can create controls on your form with the Form Controls toolbar. Click the button for the control you want, position the mouse pointer on the form, and click the form to place the control or drag it to size. For information about displaying and manipulating toolbars, see "Using Toolbars" in Chapter 1, Getting Started, in the User's Guide.

This toolbar is automatically displayed when you open the Form Designer, but can be displayed any time by selecting it in the Toolbars dialog box, which you can access from the View menu. However, the toolbar buttons are not enabled unless you are working on a form.

This toolbar contains the following buttons.

Button Description
Select Objects Resizes and moves controls. After you create a control, the Select Objects button is automatically reselected, unless the Button Lock button is pressed down.
View Classes Allows you to select and display a registered class library. After you select a class, the toolbar only displays buttons for the classes in the selected library.
Label Creates a label control, used for text that you don't want the user to change, such as a caption above check boxes or under a graphic.
Text Box Creates a text box control, used to hold a single line of text that the user can either enter or change. For more information, see Text Box Builder.
Edit Box Creates an edit box control, used to hold multiple lines of text that the user can either enter or change. For more information, see Edit Box Builder.
Command Button Creates a command button control, used to carry out a command.
Command Group Creates a command group control, used to group related commands together. For more information, see Command Group Builder.
Option Group Creates an option group control, used to display multiple options from which the user can select only one. For more information, see Option Group Builder.
Check Box Creates a check box control, which offers the user a choice between a true-or-false condition, or displays multiple choices from which the user can select more than one.
Combo Box Creates a combo box control, used to create a drop-down combo box or a drop-down list box so that the user can select one of a list of items or enter a value by hand. For more information, see Combo Box Builder.
List Box Creates a list box control, used to display a list of items from which the user can select. The list can be scrolled if it has more items than can be displayed at one time. For more information, see List Box Builder.
Spinner Creates a spinner control, used to accept numeric input that falls within a given range.
Grid Creates a grid control, used to display data in a spreadsheet-like grid. For more information, see Grid Builder.
Image Displays a graphical image on your form.
Timer Creates a timer control, which allows you to run processes at specific times or intervals. This control is invisible at run time.
PageFrame Displays multiple pages of controls.
OLE Container Control Allows you to add OLE objects to your application.
OLE Bound Control Like OLE container controls, enables you to add OLE objects to your application. Unlike OLE container controls, however, OLE bound controls are bound to a General field.
Line Use to draw a variety of line styles on your form at design time.
Shape Use to draw a variety of shapes on your form at design time. You can draw a rectangle, rounded rectangle, square, rounded square, oval, or circle.
Separator Puts space between toolbar controls.
Hyperlink Creates a hyperlink object.
Builder Lock Opens a builder for whatever new control you add to the form.
Button Lock Allows you to add multiple controls of the same type without having to click the control button on the toolbar more than once.
Container Places a container object on the current form.

For more information, see Chapter 7, Designing Reports and Labels, and "Using Builders" in Chapter 1, Getting Started, and "Adding Controls to a Form with a Builder" in Chapter 8, Managing Data Through Forms, all in the User's Guide; Chapter 10, Using Controls, and "Adding Class Libraries to the Controls Toolbar" in Chapter 9, Creating Forms, and "Adding OLE Objects to Forms" in Chapter 16, Adding OLE, all in the Programmer's Guide.