Application Wizard (5.0): Step 1 – Choose Project Location

See Also

Allows you to specify whether to create a complete application or just an application framework. If you choose to create a complete application, you can either include in the application a database and forms or reports you have already created, or you can create a new application from scratch using a database template. If you choose to create a framework, you can go back later and add components to the framework.

The Visual FoxPro 5 framework provides the following:

Also allows you to name your project and specify the directory for the application or framework files. If you specify a directory that does not exist, the Application Wizard (5.0) creates the directory for you.

Step Options

Project Types

Complete application

Specifies that you want to go through all steps of the Application Wizard (5.0) to build an application from existing elements, or create an application from scratch.

Framework only

Specifies that you want to create only the project framework; the Application Wizard (5.0) takes you through only steps 1 and 5.

Create project directory structure

If you choose this option, the wizard creates a directory structure with separate directories for data, forms, libraries, menus, and so on. All directories are created beneath the directory you specify. If you do not choose this option, the wizard places all data and documents in the same directory as the project file in the directory you specify.

Note   If you attempt to add files to the application framework by running the Application Wizard (5.0) a second time, all the files created previously by the Application Wizard (5.0) (but not your own files that you explicitly added) are erased and replaced with new files.

Whether you create a complete application or a framework, the Application Wizard (5.0) creates a directory and project structure for a future application, and a project file (.pjx and .pjt files) in the directory you specify, containing the following files.

File Type File Name
Forms About.scx, an "About" dialog box that you can fill in and that is called from your application's Help menu.

Qckstart.scx, a dialog box with a list of the application's forms for you to fill in, which allows users to jump directly to any form you list.

Classes Appwiz.vcx, standard class libraries for the About and QuickStart forms, and for the Application object itself. For details, see Application Wizard Object Members.

Name.vcx, a library containing the cApplication object, subclassed from the Appwiz.vcx library.

Program Name.prg, the main program for the project, which creates the application object and displays the application's menu. You can modify this program to suit the startup sequence of your application.
Menu Name.mnx, the application's main menu. If you created only a framework, the application contains a modified version of the Visual FoxPro menu.
Text Appwiz.txt, a text file describing the template files from which the wizard creates application-specific files.

Name.txt, a file that issues an #INCLUDE command to include the FOXPRO.H file in your application.

*name represents the name you assign the project on Step 1 of the Application Wizard (5.0).

After running the wizard, you can modify the project using the Project Manager, either to add new or existing files, or to modify the files created by the wizard.

Note   By default, the project file will be created in the current Visual FoxPro directory. If you want to create a self-contained directory structure, change the default directory created by the Application Wizard (5.0).