Application Wizard (5.0): Step 3 – Choose Documents

See Also

Displays the forms, reports, and labels that will be created for your application, and allows you to specify additional documents or remove them from the default list.

By default, the wizard creates two forms: an About form, and a QuickStart form that lists all the forms available in the project. The QuickStart form is automatically marked as the default startup form.

If you specify a database template, the Application Wizard (5.0) automatically includes the documents associated with the database template.

You can include more documents by choosing Add to display the Open dialog box, and then choosing the form, report, or other document you want to include.

You can remove any document contained in the list by selecting it, and then choosing Remove.

Note   You cannot remove the QuickStart and About forms by choosing Remove.

All forms, reports, and labels you include in the application are automatically added to the application's project file and application menu. In addition, if you include the QuickStart form in your application, all other forms will be accessible through the QuickStart form. Files added under the Other icon are not added to the menu created by the Application Wizard (5.0).

The documents you include from a database template are created in the corresponding directory. For example, if you include a form based on a template, the wizard creates a new form of that name in your Forms directory.

However, if you add your own documents to the list, the documents are referenced (not copied). For example, if you add the form Myform.scx from another application, the Application Wizard (5.0) creates a reference to that form in the new application, but does not make a second copy of it.

You can also specify which form will be used as the startup form for the application. Whatever form is highlighted when you click the Startup button will be the designated startup form. Startup forms show a icon and the word (startup) to distinguish them from non-startup forms. You do not have to specify a startup form.

Note   The Startup form is not the application's main file.