Code Generation Wizard: Step 4a – Resolve Naming Conflicts

See Also

Allows you to reconcile naming conflicts between the imported model and your existing Visual FoxPro classes. Naming conflicts might include special characters or duplicate names caused by differences in case sensitivity between Visual Modeler and Visual FoxPro.

If you encounter naming conflicts here or inheritance conflicts in the next step, you might want to stop the wizard and first resolve these conflicts in the Visual Modeler tool, then restart the Code Generation wizard. Because renaming can cause failures in dependent code, you should use care in renaming classes. You can update the original model with the naming changes you make in this wizard.

To resolve individual class naming conflicts

  1. Highlight the class you want to rename.

    A grey exclamation mark (!) identifies a class that contains conflicts in method or property names. A red exclamation mark (!) identifies a class that contains conflicts in class, method, or property names.

  2. Type the modification.

  3. Press ENTER or select the next class.

To resolve individual method or property naming conflicts

  1. Highlight the class containing the conflicts.

  2. Highlight the method or property you want to rename.

  3. Type the modification.

  4. Press ENTER or select the next method or property.

To automatically resolve all naming conflicts

After you resolve all naming conflicts, Click Refresh to complete the changes. To revert from all changes, click Cancel.

You cannot import the model without resolving naming conflicts.