Oracle Upsizing Wizard: Step 2 – Select Data Source

See Also

In this step, you specify options to select the ODBC Oracle data source or named connection you want to use.

Dialog Box Options

ODBC data sources

Choose this option button to display Oracle ODBC data sources. When selected, the adjoining list is titled Available data sources.


Choose this option button to display connections stored in the open database that connect to Oracle data sources. When selected, the adjoining list is titled Existing connections.

Available data sources

Lists the ODBC data sources that connect to Oracle. This list is displayed when the ODBC data sources option button is selected. The Available data sources list box lists Oracle data sources. If you have other ODBC data sources or named connections, they aren't displayed unless you also select the All check box.

Note   The word "Oracle" must appear in the data source caption for Visual FoxPro to identify the data source as an Oracle data source. If your data source uses a third party meta driver to connect to Oracle, it might not be identified as an Oracle data source. Use the All check box to display data sources that are not explicitly identified with the "Oracle" keyword in the title.

Existing connections

Lists the connections stored in the open database that connect to Oracle data sources. This list is displayed when the Connections option button is selected. The Existing connections list box lists named connections that connect to Oracle data sources.


Lists all connections or all ODBC data sources available on your system whose title either explicitly includes a known Oracle-related keyword or is not explicitly identified as a non-Oracle data source or connection. The list displayed depends upon whether you have the ODBC data sources or the Connections option button selected.

The Oracle Upsizing Wizard uses the data source or connection you choose to determine the Oracle server and user name for logging on.


Displays the ODBC Login dialog box. If you used a named connection with a saved password, the wizard logs you on to the Oracle you've selected without prompting you for ODBC login information.

Verifying Server Permissions

The Oracle Upsizing Wizard also verifies the level of permission your username has been granted on the Oracle data source. Each permission in the list below controls the upsizing option for which it is required. If your username lacks some necessary permissions on the Oracle data source, you may still complete the steps in the Oracle Upsizing Wizard and generate and save the Oracle SQL upsizing script.

Permissions required on the Oracle data source to complete the upsizing process:










Using a Named Connection

If you use a named connection to access your data source, the Oracle Upsizing Wizard associates the named connection with any remote views it creates during upsizing. If the connection definition includes a password, the "Save Password With View" option in Step 10 of the Oracle Upsizing Wizard is automatically checked for you and disabled. By checking and disabling this check box, the Oracle Upsizing Wizard prevents the password from being removed from the connection definition.

Using a Data Source

If you use a data source name rather than a connection name to log on to the data source, and you choose to have the wizard create remote views, the Oracle Upsizing Wizard creates a named connection called "Upsize" (or "Upsize2", "Upsize3", and so on, if a connection definition exists with the suggested name).