Oracle Upsizing Wizard: Step 6 – Select Tablespace Files

See Also

In this step you can extend the storage of the tablespaces you selected in Step 5. You extend the storage of a tablespace by adding a new datafile.

Dialog Box Options


Displays the name of the selected tablespaces for tables and indexes. Use this drop-down list to select the tablespace you want to extend.

New datafile

Enter a name for the datafile you want to create.

Existing datafiles

Displays a list of existing files associated with the tablespace. Use this list as a reference to avoid assigning a name to your new datafile that conflicts with an existing filename; new datafiles are not included in this list.

Free space in tablespace

Displays the free space available in the tablespace named in the drop-down list box.

FoxPro data size

Displays the space in Kilobytes occupied by the FoxPro tables and indexes you've chosen to upsize into the selected tablespace.

Datafile size

Enter the number that represents the size, in Kilobytes, you want to assign to your new datafile.

You can only add datafiles in this step. To remove or modify existing datafiles, see your Oracle documentation.