Oracle Upsizing Wizard: Step 7 – Specify Clusters

See Also

In this step you create clustered tables. If you want to create Oracle clustered tables, the Upsizing Wizard provides an easy-to-follow three-step process in steps 7, 8, and 9. If you don't want to create clustered tables, simply choose Next>>; the Upsizing Wizard then skips automatically to Step 10.

You can create more than one cluster in this step. Add new clusters by selecting <Create new cluster> in the cluster list, editing the cluster name, specifying the cluster type, either the index name or the hash key, and the cluster row size. The cluster is added to the list when you select the Add button.

Dialog Box Options

Cluster name

Displays the name of the selected cluster. When you create a new cluster, enter a name for the new cluster in this text box.

Cluster list

Displays the names of existing clusters. Choose <Create new cluster> to begin entering information about a new cluster. If the cluster list is empty when you select Next>, the Upsizing Wizard skips to Step 10.


Displays a list of proposed default clusters. Default clusters are based on the Parent-Child relation list in the open database. The cluster name is based on the parent table name. Each cluster includes the parent table's related child tables. The default cluster list includes a distinct cluster for each parent table that isn't participating as a child in the previous relation.


Specifies an indexed cluster. After you create an indexed cluster, you must create an index on the cluster key.


Specifies a hash cluster.

Hash keys

Specifies the number of hash values for a hash cluster. Oracle 7 rounds the value of HASH KEYS up to the nearest prime number to obtain the actual number of hash keys. The minimum value is 2. This text box is enabled only when the Hash option button is selected.


Specifies the amount of space in kilobytes to store all rows within the same cluster key value or same hash key. If you omit this value, Oracle 7 reserves one data block for each cluster key value or hash value.


Choose this button to add the cluster information to the cluster list.


Choose this button to remove the selected cluster from the cluster list.

Required System Privileges

You must have CREATE CLUSTER system privileges to create a cluster in your own schema. The owner of the schema containing the cluster must have either more space on the tablespace containing the cluster or have UNLIMITED TABLESPACE system privileges.