Reverse Engineering Wizard: Step 3 – Specify Packages

See Also

Allows you to specify the classes to export from the selected Visual FoxPro library to the destination model.

Also allows you to designate the destination service packages of the exported classes.

All classes from the selected libraries are set to the Logical View package by default. You can add your own services to the logical view.

To assign a class to a category and export it to the model

  1. Select a class in the Class assignments list.

  2. Drag the class to the service package you want in the Logical view packages list.

    Drag classes to the Excluded package to prevent them from being exported to the model.

You can click a column heading to change the sort order of the Class assignment list.

The default three-tier diagram in the modeler tool will display each class in the service package you specify here.

You can add new packages or rename or remove packages you've added to the model by making selections in the Logical view packages list.

To add a category to the model

  1. Right-click any item in the Logical view packages list.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Type the name the new category in the Package Name box.

To rename a model category

  1. Right-click a user-defined item in the Logical view packages list.

  2. Click Rename.

  3. Type the new name.

To remove a model category

  1. Right-click a user-defined item in the Logical view packages list.

  2. Click Remove.

  3. Click Yes in the dialog box.