Connection Designer

See Also

Use the Connection Designer to create and modify named connections. Because connections are stored as part of a database, you only can use the Connection Designer if you have a database open.

For more information on creating connections, see "Defining a Connection" in Chapter 8, Creating Views, in the Programmer's Guide.

Window Options

Specify Datasource

Data Source, Userid, Password

Specifies that Visual FoxPro display the following three boxes:

Connection String

Specifies that Visual FoxPro displays the Connect String text box, in which you type a connection string. Choosing the dialog button displays the Select Data Source dialog box, allowing you to select an existing file or machine data source.

Verify Connection

Allows you to check the connection you have just entered information for. If the connection was made successfully, a dialog box appears to indicate this. If the connection was not successful, an error message appears. If no information has been specified for the connection, the Select Database dialog box appears, which allows you to select a data source.

New Data Source

Displays the Data Sources dialog box, which allows you to add, delete, or configure data sources.

Display ODBC Login Prompts

When Login Info Is Not Specified

Specifies that Visual FoxPro prompt the user with the ODBC Data Source Login dialog box if the user ID and password are not stored in the named connection definition.


Specifies that Visual FoxPro always prompt the user with the ODBC Data Source Login dialog box. This enables the user to use a different login ID and password from those stored in the named connection.


Specifies that Visual FoxPro never prompt the user. This option ensures higher security.

Data Processing

These options correspond to connection properties that you can also set with the DBSETPROP( ) function. For more information about these properties, see the connection properties in the DBGETPROP( ) function.

Asynchronous Execution

Specifies an asynchronous connection. This option corresponds to the Asynchronous connection property.

Display Warnings

Specifies the display of non-trappable warnings. This option corresponds to the DispWarnings connection property.

Batch Processing

Specifies that the connection operate in batch mode. This option corresponds to the BatchMode connection property.

Automatic Transactions

Specifies that the transaction processing is automatically handled. This option corresponds to the Transactions connection property.

Packet Size

Allows you to specify the network packet size (in bytes) for information transmitted to and from the remote data site. Select a choice from the drop-down list, or type a value.

Timeout Intervals

These options set values for connection properties that you can also set with the DBSETPROP( ) function. For more information about these properties, see connection properties in the DBGETPROP( ) function.

Connection (sec)

Specifies the connection timeout interval in seconds. This option corresponds to the ConnectTimeout connection property.

Query (sec)

Specifies the query timeout interval in seconds. This option corresponds to the QueryTimeout connection property.

Idle (min)

Specifies the idle timeout interval in minutes. Active connections are deactivated after the specified time interval. This option corresponds to the IdleTimeout connection property.

Wait Time (ms)

Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds that elapses before Visual FoxPro determines whether the SQL statement has completed executing. This option corresponds to the WaitTime connection property.