FrontPage includes a set of programs — the FrontPage Server Extensions — that are installed on the Web server computer on which your FrontPage webs are stored. If you installed the Microsoft Personal Web Server or Microsoft Peer Web Services, FrontPage Setup installed the FrontPage Server Extensions on your PC.
The Server Extensions support authoring and administering FrontPage webs, along with browse-time FrontPage web functionality. For example, when an author is editing a FrontPage web, the Server Extensions support copying or publishing it to other Web servers, creating a table of contents for the web, adding themes and navigational structure to it, and updating hyperlinks to any pages that have been moved or renamed. Using the Server Extensions, an administrator can give a user, group of users, or a specific computer permissions to edit a FrontPage web, browse to it, or administer it. When a user browses a FrontPage web, the Server Extensions support search forms, discussions groups, form processing (including sending form results using e-mail), and other run-time features.