The FrontPage Editor’s Views

The FrontPage Editor has three views: a Normal, HTML, and Preview view. If you are editing a frames page, it adds two more views: Frames Page HTML, and No Frames. For descriptions of the Frames Page HTML, and No Frames views, see “Creating and Using Frames”.

The Normal view is the primary FrontPage Editor view. This is the view that you use to create your pages and view them in WYSIWYG mode. The complete set of FrontPage Editor commands and toolbars is available in this view.

In the FrontPage Editor’s HTML view, you can edit the page’s HTML directly. In this view, you can enter HTML tags and your page’s contents, and you can use standard word-processing commands such as cutting, pasting, finding, and replacing. HTML attributes and their values are color coded so that you can distinguish them more easily.

If you have the Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3.0 or higher Web browser installed on your computer, the FrontPage Editor adds a Preview. This view shows your page the way it appears in Internet Explorer. Use this view as a quick way to view your Web page as your users will see it.