Using Pages
Here are some commonly used page procedures. For the full set of page procedures, see “Using Pages” in the Contents tab of the Microsoft FrontPage online Help system.
Û To Create a New Page
In the FrontPage Editor, choose New on the File menu.
In the New dialog box, select a template or wizard on which to base the new page.
The template or wizard is displayed in the Preview field.
Click OK.
If the page is based on a wizard, follow the wizard’s instructions to finish creating the page.
Û To Open a Page in the FrontPage Editor

Open button
Click the Open button.
In the Open dialog box, do one of the following:
To open a page from the current FrontPage web, click a page. To browse the contents of a folder, double-click it. After selecting the page, click OK.

File button
To open the page from your file system, click the File button, and choose a file in the Select File dialog box.

World Wide Web button
To open a page from the World Wide Web, click the World Wide Web button. FrontPage starts your Web browser. Visit the page you want to open and return to FrontPage. The location of the page you visited is displayed in the Open dialog box’s URL field. Click OK to open the page.
Û To Save a Page to the Current FrontPage web

Save button
If the page was opened from the current web or from the World Wide Web, in the FrontPage Editor, choose Save on the File menu, or click the Save button. If the page was opened from a file, choose Save As on the File menu.
If you are saving the page to the FrontPage web for the first time, in the Title field, type a descriptive page title.
If you are saving the page to the FrontPage web for the first time, in the URL field, type a URL relative to the root of the currently open FrontPage web, or accept the URL that FrontPage supplies as a default. For example, if you type the URL folder2/sample.htm, the page will be saved in the folder folder2 below the root folder of the current FrontPage web.
Click OK.
If the page has been opened from a file or from the World Wide Web, you are prompted to save any images, ActiveX Controls, sound files, and other objects on the page to the FrontPage web.
Û To Save a Page to a File
In the FrontPage Editor, choose Save As on the File menu.

File button
Click the File button.
Use the Save In box and the box that lists files and folders to point to the folder where you want to store the page as a file.
Specify the file name.
Click Save. You are prompted to save any images, ActiveX Controls, sound files, and other objects on the page to the folder containing the file.
Û To Apply One Page’s Background Style and Colors to Another Page
You can display a page using the same background style and colors as another page in your FrontPage web. The page will use the background image, background color, and all link and text colors from the page that you specify.
You cannot use the background style and colors of another page if a theme has been applied to the current page.
In the FrontPage Editor, open the page that you want to display using another page’s styles.
On the File menu, select Page Properties.
In the Page Properties dialog box, choose the Background tab, and click Get Background and Colors from Page.
Click Browse and select the page from the Current Web dialog box.
Click OK.
Û To Create a Template Page
In the FrontPage Editor, you can save a page as a template. After you have saved the template, it will be displayed along with the standard FrontPage page templates in the Page tab of the New dialog box.
In the FrontPage Editor, choose Save As on the File menu.
Click As Template.
In the Save As Template dialog box, enter a page title for the template in the Title field, enter a name for the page in the Name field, and enter a brief description of the template in the Description field.
Click OK.
If you applied a theme before saving the page as a template, the template will apply the theme as follows:
If you applied the theme to the original page by choosing the Use Theme From Current Web option, when you create a new page from the template, the new page will automatically apply the theme (if any) from the current FrontPage web.
For example, if the original page applied the “Canvas” theme from its web, and you use the resulting template to create a new page in a new FrontPage web which uses the “Safari” theme, the new page will automatically apply the “Safari” theme instead of “Canvas.”
If you applied the theme to the original page by choosing the Use Selected Theme option, when you create a new page from the template, the new page will apply the same theme as the original page.
For example, if the original page applied the “Canvas” theme to that page only, and you use the resulting template to create a new page in a new FrontPage web which uses the “Safari” theme, the new page will apply the “Canvas” theme instead of “Safari.” You can still apply the Safari theme to the new page using the Theme command on the Format menu.
Û To Create a Bulleted List
A bulleted list presents an unordered list of items. Generally, browsers render bulleted lists as paragraphs separated by blank space, prefixed by bullets.

Bulleted List button
In the FrontPage Editor, click the Bulleted List button on the Format toolbar.
Enter a list item, then press ENTER to continue the list.
Press ENTER twice to end the list.
Note To reformat existing text as a bulleted list, select one or more paragraphs, then click the Bulleted List button.
Û To create a Numbered List
A numbered list presents an ordered list of items, such as steps in a procedure. Generally, browsers render numbered lists as paragraphs separated by blank space, prefixed by numbers.

Numbered List button
In the FrontPage Editor, click the Numbered List button on the Format toolbar.
Enter a list item, then press ENTER to continue the list.
Press ENTER twice to end the list.
Note To reformat existing text as a numbered list, select one or more paragraphs, then click the Numbered List button.
Û To Create a New Paragraph
In the FrontPage Editor, do one of the following:
To create a new paragraph on a new page, start typing on the page. The FrontPage Editor applies the Normal paragraph style by default.
To create a new paragraph after the current paragraph, position the insertion point at the end of the current paragraph, then press ENTER.
To divide the current paragraph, position the insertion point inside the paragraph, then press ENTER.
The FrontPage Editor creates a new paragraph in the same style, starting with the text to the right of the insertion point.
Û To Create a New Line
To start a new line of text without adding white space, press SHIFT+ENTER.
This inserts a line break. Because Web browsers do not add extra white space between lines separated by line breaks, your lines will be displayed more closely together.
Û To Apply a Theme to a Page
On the FrontPage Editor’s Format menu, choose Theme.
In the Choose Theme dialog box, click Use Selected Theme, and choose a theme from the list.
Select any of the following options:
Click Vivid Colors to specify a bright set of colors for the theme.
Click Active Graphics for a lively set of banners, buttons, bullets, and other graphical elements.
Click Background Image for a textured page background. If this is not selected, the page background will be a basic color.
Û To Assign Shared Borders to a Page
On the FrontPage Editor’s Tools menu, choose Shared Borders.
In the Shared Borders dialog box, click Set for this page only.
Select one or more of the shared borders: Top, Bottom, Left, and Right.
Click OK.
Û To Edit a Shared Border
In the FrontPage Editor, open any page with shared borders.
Click inside the shared border region. For example, to edit the Left shared border, click on the left border of the page.
When you click in a shared border regions, its outline becomes darker.
Make any edits in the shared border region.
Choose Save on the File menu.
Any edits you made to the page and to all shared borders on the page are saved.
Û To Insert a Navigation Bar on a Page
In the FrontPage Editor, move the insertion point to where you want to place the navigation bar. To put a navigation bar in a shared border region, click inside that region.
On the Insert menu, choose Navigation Bar.
In the Navigation Bar Properties dialog box, configure the navigation bar.
Click OK to insert the navigation bar.
Û To Insert a Table
Tables have columns and rows of cells that can contain text, images, forms, or other page elements. You can use tables for laying out a page or to arrange data systematically.
To quickly create a table with the same number of cells in each row and column, using mostly default settings, follow the procedure below.
In the FrontPage Editor, move the insertion point where you want to create the table.

Insert Table button
Click the Insert Table button on the standard toolbar, then drag until FrontPage displays the number of rows and columns you want.
To quickly create a table with irregular rows and columns, follow the procedure below.
In the FrontPage Editor, move the insertion point where you want to create the table.

Draw Table button
On the Table menu, choose Draw Table or click the Draw Table button on the table toolbar.
To draw the outside border of the table, drag from the upper-left corner to the lower-right corner of the table.
To make cells, draw vertical and horizontal lines within the table.

Eraser button
Click the Eraser button on the table toolbar to remove any lines you do not want.
To set the properties of a table when you create it, follow the procedure below. Whenever you specify new table properties, they will appear as the new default the next time you insert a table using the menu command or the toolbar button.
In the FrontPage Editor, move the insertion point where you want to create the table.
On the Table menu, choose Insert Table.
In the Rows field, specify the number of rows you want.
In the Columns field, specify the number of columns you want.
In the Alignment field, choose where you want the table positioned on the page.
In the Border Size field, enter how wide you want the border to be, in pixels.
To change the table’s cell padding, enter a number in the Cell Padding field.
To change the table’s cell spacing, enter a number in the Cell Spacing field.
To change the table’s width, do one of the following:
Select in Pixels, then type the width you want the table to be, in pixels.
Select in Percent, then type a percentage of the width of the screen.
Click OK.