
Themes enliven your pages. They are collections of design elements — bullets, background patterns, table borders, fonts, and graphics — that you can apply to an entire FrontPage web or a to single page. A page with a theme applied to it has a consistent, professional appearance. Everything on it, from its bullets to its background pattern, fits together. When you insert new bullets, horizontal lines, banners, navigation bars and other graphical elements in a page that has a theme applied to it, they match the theme. Also, if a theme has been applied to a FrontPage web, any new pages that you create will use the theme.

FrontPage comes with over 50 built-in themes in a range of styles from conservative to flashy. For a full description of the FrontPage Explorer’s Themes view, see “FrontPage Explorer Views”.

You can change the theme for a page in the FrontPage Editor. Choose Theme on the FrontPage Editor’s Format menu. In the Choose Theme dialog box, click Use Selected Theme and choose a theme from the list. You can specify whether or not to use a bright set of colors, an active set of banners, buttons, and bullets, and a textured page background.