Creating Hyperlinks and Bookmarks

FrontPage has a complete interface for creating, editing, and verifying hyperlinks. In the FrontPage Editor, you can create hyperlinks to pages and files in your current FrontPage web or to pages anywhere on the World Wide Web.

Using FrontPage, you can create hyperlinks without having to know the Internet addresses of the pages or files you are linking to. You can just browse the current FrontPage web or the World Wide Web, point to the page or file, and the FrontPage Editor fills in the correct hyperlink text.

This section describes creating hyperlinks from text. However, you also use many of the techniques described here when you create hyperlinks from images. To learn about creating hyperlinks from images, see “Images and Image Maps”. For a general overview of hyperlinks and URLs, see “Welcome to the World Wide Web” 96. For a discussion of frames, special pages that control where pages that you link to are displayed, see “Creating and Using Frames”.