Banner Ad Manager

Banner ads are dynamic “billboards” that display series of images. As each new image in the series is displayed, a visual transition effect is applied by the Web browser, so that the transition from one image to the next occurs seamlessly. You can associate a hyperlink with a banner ad.

For example, you can use a banner ad to generate interest in a service on the World Wide Web, and invite the user to learn more about the service by clicking on the ad. Even if you do not associate a hyperlink with a banner ad, you can use it to design a compelling visual presentation on your page.

You create a banner ad on the Insert menu by pointing to Active Elements and then clicking Banner Ad Manager. In the Banner Ad Manager dialog box, you supply a series of images, the amount of time to display each image, and a hyperlink, and you select the type of transition effect. The Banner Ad Manager dialog box has controls for adding images to the presentation, removing them, and rearranging their order.

The best way to select the right transition effect for a banner ad is to create one and preview it, trying various effects until one matches your needs. To preview a banner ad, choose Preview in Browser on the FrontPage Editor’s File menu.