To create a hyperlink to a page and display that page in a target frame, choose Hyperlink on the Insert menu. You create the hyperlink as described in “Creating Hyperlinks in FrontPage”.
Modify button
If you are creating a new hyperlink, FrontPage displays the page’s default target frame in the Target Frame field of the Create Hyperlink dialog box. To set a unique target frame for a hyperlink, click the Modify button in the Create Hyperlink dialog box. FrontPage displays the Target Frame dialog box.
In the Target Frame dialog box, the FrontPage Editor displays a “map” of the frames page that you can use to select a target frame for the hyperlink. To assign a target frame for a hyperlink, click a frame in this map. When you click a frame, its name is displayed in the Target Setting field. To use the page’s default target frame, click Page Default in the Common Targets field. You can make the target frame you selected the default target frame for the current page by clicking Make default for hyperlinks on this page.
Along with displaying your active frames page, the Target Frame dialog box lists common target frames for a hyperlink. These are a set of frames features (most of them advanced) used by Web browsers that support frame pages. You select a common target frame in the Common Targets field. The common target frames are: