absolute URL The full Internet address of a page or other World Wide Web resource. The absolute URL includes a protocol, such as “http,” network location, and optional path and file name. For example, http://example.microsoft.com/ is an absolute URL. See also URL.
active hyperlink A hyperlink that is currently selected in a Web browser. Some Web browsers indicate the active hyperlink by changing its color.
active page The page currently being edited in the FrontPage Editor.
ActiveX control A component that can be inserted in a page to provide functionality not directly available in HTML, such as animation sequences, credit-card transactions, or spreadsheet calculations. ActiveX controls can be implemented in a variety of programming languages from Microsoft and third parties.
address A paragraph style usually used to render URLs on a page or to supply signatures or other indications of authorship. Address paragraphs are usually displayed in italics and are sometimes indented. See also network location.
All Files View The FrontPage Explorer view that displays all the files in a FrontPage web in a single list, along with information about each file, such as name, size, and file type. Views in the FrontPage Explorer provide different ways of looking at the information in your FrontPage web, so that you can effectively manage your site.
All Folders Pane In the FrontPage Explorer’s Folders view, the left portion of the screen, which shows all the folders and files in the current FrontPage web.
All Pages Pane In the FrontPage Explorer’s Hyperlinks view, the left portion of the screen, which shows all the pages in the current FrontPage web.
animated GIF A file containing a series of GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) images that are displayed in rapid sequence by some Web browsers, giving an animated effect. See also GIF.
anchor See bookmark.
anonymous FTP A file transfer (FTP) service in which any user can copy files by logging on with the name “anonymous.” See also FTP.
applet See Java applet.
article A single entry in a discussion group or newsgroup. An article can be a response to a previous article.
ascender The part of a lowercase letter that rises above the main body of the letter.
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) The predominant method for encoding 7-bit characters on a Personal Computer. HTML tags and URLs must be in ASCII.
ASP (Active Server Page) A method for creating programs that run on a Web server, first available on the Microsoft Internet Information Server 3.0. See also IIS.
aspect ratio The ratio of an image’s width to its height.
authentication database A database on a server that matches user names to passwords.
background sound A sound file that you associate with a page. When the page is displayed in a Web browser, the sound file plays or repeats the number of times that you specify.
banner An image, usually displayed at the top of each page in a Web site, containing text and design elements.
Banner Ad Manager A FrontPage component that shows each of a series of designated images for a specified number of seconds, then transitions to the next image using any of several transition effects.
base URL A URL that you can assign to a page to convert relative URLs on that page into absolute URLs. A base URL should end with a document name part, such as http://example.microsoft.com/sample.htm, or a trailing slash, such as http://example.microsoft.com/subdir/. See also absolute URL.
baseline In text, the imaginary line drawn along the bottom of the main body of the letters. Descenders descend below the baseline. In a table, the cell property that aligns the baseline of text in a cell with the baseline of the tallest text in the row.
basic authentication An authentication protocol supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer. There is no encryption in this protocol.
bevel A three-dimensional effect applied to the border of an image. The FrontPage Editor’s image toolbar contains a Bevel command.
BMP The standard bitmap image format on Windows-compatible computers. Bitmap images can be saved for Windows or OS/2 systems and support 24-bit color.
bookmark A named location on a page that can be the target of a hyperlink. A bookmark can be applied to a set of characters or it can exist on a page separately from any text. Bookmarks allow authors to link to a specific section of a target page. In a URL, a bookmark is preceded by a pound-sign character (#). Also called anchor.
broken hyperlink In the FrontPage Explorer, a hyperlink that does not correctly point to a page or other Internet file. A broken hyperlink either indicates an incorrect URL or a missing page or file.
browser See Web browser.
bulleted list A paragraph style that creates a single list element, usually indicated by a bullet character. Also called an unordered list.
bulletin board An electronic forum that hosts posted messages and articles related to a common subject.
cascading style sheet An HTML syntax that gives authors precise control over the formatting of text in Web pages. Formatting information is stored in a Web site in style sheets, and can be applied to whole pages or parts of pages.
cell The smallest component of a table. In a table, a row or column contains one or more cells.
cell padding The space between the contents and inside edges of a table cell.
cell spacing The amount of space between cells in a table. Cell spacing is the thickness, in pixels, of the walls of each cell.
CERN image map dispatcher The program HTIMAGE.EXE, which handles server-side image maps in the Personal Web Server when the image map style is set to “CERN” in the FrontPage Explorer.
CGI (Common Gateway Interface) A standard method of extending Web server functionality by executing programs or scripts on a Web server in response to Web browser requests. A common use of CGI is in form processing, where the browser sends the form data to a CGI script on the server, and the script integrates the data with a database and sends back a results page as HTML.
change style dropdown A dropdown list on the FrontPage Editor’s toolbar from which you can choose a format for the currently selected paragraphs or apply a style from a style sheet.
channel A push technology that allows users to subscribe to a Web site to browse offline, automatically display updated pages on their screen savers, and download or receive notifications when pages in the Web site are modified. Channels are available only in browsers that support channel definitions, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0.
Channel Definition Format (CDF) file A file that enables users to access your FrontPage web as a channel in browsers that support channel definitions, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0. The CDF file provides an index of resources available on your channel and a recommended schedule for updating the channel on the user’s computer. The FrontPage Channel Definition Wizard uses your input to create a CDF file that allows users to subscribe to your FrontPage web as a channel, a screen saver, or a desktop component, as well as receive e-mail notification when specific files change.
check box A form field that can be chosen by clicking a box. When a box is selected, it is usually displayed with a check mark or X. Check boxes are usually grouped to represent a set of choices. Users can select more than one check box in a form. See also radio button.
child page A page that is part of the navigation structure of a FrontPage web and that is linked to a parent page. A child page is accessed from its parent page by following a link from a navigation bar on the parent page. Web content on a child page often provides more detailed information related to the content on the parent page. See also navigation bar, peer page.
child web A named subdirectory of the root web that is a whole FrontPage web and is separate from the root web. Any number of child webs can be under the root web. Each child web can have many levels of subdirectories, making up its content. Note that child webs only go to one level. FrontPage does not support creating child webs within child webs.
class selector In a cascading style sheet style-definition (or style rule), a subset of a selector that controls whether the same selector can be used for slightly different styles in different situations. In FrontPage you can define or apply class selectors by clicking the Style button on the element’s Properties dialog box, and then defining or applying the class selector in the Style dialog box.
client On the Internet, a program that requests files or services from a server.
client-side image map An image map that encodes the destination URL of each hotspot directly in a page. Client-side image maps do not require processing from a server to follow the hyperlinks on the image map, so they are more efficient. However, not all Web browsers support client-side image maps.
client-side program On the Internet, a program that is run on a client computer rather than on a server computer. Client-side programs do not communicate over the Internet.
clip art A collection of icons, buttons, and other useful image files, along with sound and video files that can be inserted into pages.
clipboard A temporary storage area on a computer for cut or copied items.
code page See HTML character encoding.
column In a table, a vertical collection of cells.
comment Text that you can view in the FrontPage Editor but that will not be displayed by a Web browser. Comment text appears purple in the FrontPage Editor and retains the character-size and other attributes of the current paragraph style.
Confirmation Field A FrontPage component that is replaced with the contents of a form field. It is useful on a form confirmation page, where it can echo a user’s name or any other data entered into a field.
confirmation page A page that is displayed in a Web browser after a form has been submitted by a user. The confirmation page usually displays the user’s name and other data from the form. You specify a form’s confirmation page in the form handler’s dialog box.
Contents Pane In the FrontPage Explorer’s Folders view, the right portion of the screen, which shows the files contained in the folder selected in the All Folders pane.
converter A program that converts a text file, or a portion of a text file, from one format to another. For example, FrontPage includes a Microsoft Word to HTML converter. See also filter.
crop To reduce the size of an image by eliminating all portions outside of a resizable box that is dragged over the image. The FrontPage Editor’s image toolbar contains a Crop command.
current FrontPage web The FrontPage web currently opened in the FrontPage Explorer.
custom dictionary A list of words not in the standard dictionary but that an author wants accepted by the spelling checker as correct.
Database Region Wizard A FrontPage wizard that guides an author through creating a connection to a database, forming a database query, and associating a query with one or more form fields on a page. End users browsing the page can then query the database based on parameters they enter in the form.
default image hyperlink In an image map, the hyperlink to follow when a user clicks in an area where there are no hotspots on the image.
definition The HTML style of the second paragraph of a pair of paragraphs composing a definition list entry. The first paragraph in the pair is the term.
definition list A list of alternating term and definition paragraphs. Definition lists are often used to implement dictionaries in FrontPage webs. See also term and definition.
descender The part of a lowercase letter that descends below the main body of the letter; the part of a lowercase letter below the baseline of the letter.
Design-time control An ActiveX control that is used while designing or editing a page. Design-time controls that are installed on the client computer are listed in the FrontPage Editor. See also ActiveX.
desktop component In a Web browser’s desktop, a small screen region that displays summary or update information about a Web site which has been subscribed to as a channel. For example, a desktop component might display a stock ticker, a list of news stories, or a pop-up broadcast message. Desktop components are available only in browsers that support channel definitions, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4.0.
Discussion Form Handler A FrontPage form handler that allows users to participate in an online discussion. The Discussion Form Handler collects information from a form, formats it into an HTML page, and adds the page to a table of contents and to a text index. In addition, the Discussion Form Handler gathers information from the form and stores it in one of a selection of formats.
discussion group A FrontPage web that supports interactive discussions by users. Users submit topics or responses by entering text in a form. Users can search the group using a search form or access articles using a table of contents.
discussion group folder A folder in a FrontPage web containing all the articles in a discussion group. The name of a discussion group folder begins with an underscore character and is created automatically by FrontPage. Discussion group directories are not normally visible from the FrontPage Explorer. However, they can be searched by a FrontPage Search Form.
Distributed Password Authentication Microsoft `istributed Password Authentication (DPA), which provides an advanced, distributed method of user authentication, allowing for single user logon. DPA support is provided by the Microsoft Membership System and is optimized for the needs of Internet service providers and online services.
domain name See network location.
drop-down menu field A form field that presents a list of selections in drop-down menu style. A drop-down menu form field can be configured to permit the selection of many fields or a single field.
editor An interactive program that can create and modify files of a particular type. For example, the FrontPage Editor is an HTML editor.
E-mail (electronic mail) A service for sending messages over a computer network.
E-mail Form Handler See Save Results Form Handler.
embedded files Images, sounds, and video clips that have been inserted on a page in the FrontPage Editor from files or from the clipboard. You are prompted to save any embedded files when you save the active page.
embedded style sheet A cascading style sheet that is embedded on a page. Styles in an embedded style sheet can be applied only to the page containing the style sheet, and will either extend or override styles defined in any external style sheet that is linked to the page.
emphasis text The HTML character style used for mild emphasis. Certain Web browsers display emphasized text as italic.
EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) An extension of the PostScript graphics file format developed by Adobe Systems. EPS lets PostScript graphics files be incorporated into other documents. FrontPage supports importing EPS files.
Ethernet A commonly used type of local area network (LAN).
executable folder A folder in a FrontPage web from which scripts and executable programs can be run on a Web server. You can make a folder executable in the FrontPage Explorer. Web server administrator’s may prohibit the use of executable folders.
extended attribute An HTML attribute not directly supported in FrontPage. In the FrontPage Editor, you can add extended attributes to most elements on the page.
external hyperlink A hyperlink to any page or file that is outside the current FrontPage web.
external style sheet A cascading style sheet in a file with a .css file extension. The .css file is comprised solely of style rules in valid .css syntax, without any surrounding HTML tags. By defining styles in one or more external style sheets and linking them to pages in your web, you ensure consistency of appearance throughout those pages. If you change a style in the external style sheet, the change will be reflected in all of the pages linked to that style sheet.
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) A common type of document on the Internet that contains a list of questions and answers on a common theme. On the World Wide Web, questions are often hyperlinks to the answers.
file A named collection of information that is stored on a computer. Also, an Internet protocol that refers to files on a disk or Local Area Network. You can create hyperlinks to files (file://) in the FrontPage Editor.
file server A computer running on a network that stores files and provides access to them. Also called server. See also Web server.
file type The format of a file, commonly indicated by its filename extension. Computer applications usually work on a limited set of file types.
Files Pane In the FrontPage Explorer’s Navigation view, the lower half of the screen, which displays a familiar Windows Explorer-like file and folder list of the current FrontPage web.
In the FrontPage Explorer’s Folders view, the right portion of the screen, which displays the contents of the selected folder in the All Folders pane.
filter A tool that converts an image or a file.
finger An Internet program that displays information about the users currently logged on to a computer.
firewall A method of protecting the files and programs on one network from users on another network. A firewall blocks unwanted access to a protected network while giving the protected network access to networks outside of the firewall. A company will typically install a firewall to give users access to the Internet while protecting their internal information. FrontPage allows users to author FrontPage webs on the Internet even from within a protected network.
folder A named storage area on a computer containing files and other folders.
Folders View In the FrontPage Explorer, the view of a FrontPage web that shows how the content of the FrontPage web is organized. You can create, delete, copy, and move folders in the Folders view. Views in the FrontPage Explorer provide different ways of looking at the information in your FrontPage web, so that you can effectively manage your site.
form A set of data-entry fields on a page that are processed on a server. The data is sent to the server when a user submits the form by clicking on a button or, in some cases, by clicking an image.
form field A data-entry field on a page. A user supplies information in a field either by typing text or by selecting a field.
form handler A program on a server that executes when a user submits a form. A FrontPage form is associated with a form handler in the Form Properties dialog box.
formatted text A monospaced paragraph style in which all white space (such as tabs and spaces) is displayed by a Web browser. In other text styles, extra white space may be ignored by a Web browser.
format toolbar The FrontPage Editor toolbar containing commands that reformat selected paragraphs or text.
forms toolbar The FrontPage Editor toolbar containing commands for creating form fields.
frame A named sub-window of a frames page. A frame appears in a Web browser as one of a number of window regions in which pages can be displayed. A frame may be scrollable and resizable, and may have a border. You display a page in a frame by creating a hyperlink to the page and specifying the frame as part of the hyperlink.
frames page A page that subdivides a Web browser’s window into regions called frames that can independently display pages. See also frame.
Frames Page HTML View The view in the FrontPage Editor that shows the HTML of the frames page currently being displayed. See also frames page.
FrontPage component A built-in FrontPage object that is evaluated and executed when an author saves the page or, in some cases, when a user browses to the page. Most FrontPage components generate HTML. FrontPage components include Search Forms, which provide full text-searching capability in a FrontPage web, Popup Menus, which create popup menus on a page, and Save Results Form Handlers, which gather information from a form and store it in a file or send it to an e-mail address. See also WebBot component.
FrontPage component cursor In the FrontPage Editor, the robot-shaped cursor that is displayed when you move the mouse pointer over an area of a page containing a FrontPage component. See also FrontPage component.
FrontPage Editor The FrontPage tool for creating, editing, and testing Web pages.
FrontPage Explorer The FrontPage tool for creating, viewing, modifying, and administering FrontPage webs.
FrontPage Server Extensions A set of programs and scripts that support FrontPage authoring and extend the functionality of a Web server. The FrontPage Server Extensions are available for the Microsoft Internet Information Server and other popular Windows and UNIX Web servers. If you are not sure if your Web server is supported, visit http://www.microsoft.com/frontpage/
FrontPage web A home page and its associated pages, images, documents, multimedia, and other files stored on a Web server or on a computer’s hard drive. A FrontPage web also contains files that support FrontPage functionality and that allow a web to be opened, copied, edited, and administered in the FrontPage Explorer.
FrontPage web name The name of a FrontPage web. A FrontPage web name corresponds to a folder name on a Web server and is subject to the length, character restrictions, and case sensitivity of that server.
FrontPage web structure The set of relationships among the pages in a FrontPage web as defined in the FrontPage Explorer’s Navigation view. A well-defined structure gives a user a sense of position in a FrontPage web. When a navigation bar is inserted on a page that is part of a FrontPage web’s structure, FrontPage automatically creates hyperlinks to the pages that are below that page in the structure (child pages), above that page in the structure (parent pages) and equal to that page in the structure (peer pages). See also navigation bar, Navigation Pane, Navigation View.
FrontPage web title A descriptive name for a FrontPage web. The FrontPage web title is displayed in the title bar of the FrontPage Explorer window when the FrontPage web is open. A FrontPage web title must start with a letter and can have a maximum of 31 characters.
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) The Internet service that transfers files from one computer to another, over standard phone lines. You can create ftp hyperlinks (ftp://) in the FrontPage Editor.
gateway script See CGI.
GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) A graphical file format commonly used to display indexed-color images on the World Wide Web. GIF is a compressed format, designed to minimize file transfer time over standard phone lines. See also interlaced GIF.
gopher The Internet protocol where files are displayed in a hierarchical menu and are retrieved based on user input. You can create gopher hyperlinks (gopher://) in the FrontPage Editor.
heading A paragraph style that is displayed in a large, bold typeface. The size of a heading is related to its level: Heading 1 is the largest, Heading 2, the next largest, and so on. Use headings to name pages and parts of pages.
hidden field A form field that is invisible to a user but supplies data to a form handler. Each hidden field is implemented as a name-value pair. When a form is submitted by a user, its hidden fields are passed to the form-handler along with name-value pairs for each visible form field.
hidden folder A folder in a FrontPage web that has a name beginning with an underscore character, as in _hidden. By default, pages and files in hidden folders cannot be viewed in a Web browser.
home page The starting point for a Web site. It is the page that is retrieved and displayed by default when a user visits the Web site. The default home-page name for a server depends on the server’s configuration. On many Web servers it is index.html or default.htm. Some Web servers support multiple home pages.
horizontal line A horizontal graphic element on a Web page often used to separate sections of the page.
host See server.
host name See network location.
hotspot A graphically defined area in an image that contains a hyperlink. An image with hotspots is called an image map. In Web browsers, hotspots are invisible. Users can tell that a hotspot is present by the changing appearance of the pointer.
hover button An animated button on a Web page that is activated when the mouse pointer is moved over the button or when the button is clicked.
HTIMAGE.EXE The CERN image map dispatcher. This program handles server-side image maps when the image map style is set to “CERN.”
HTML (HyperText Markup Language). The standard language for describing the contents and appearance of pages on the World Wide Web. The FrontPage Page Editor reads and writes HTML files. Knowledge of the HTML language is not required to use FrontPage.
HTML attribute A name-value pair used within an HTML tag to assign additional properties to an object being defined. FrontPage assigns some attributes automatically when you create an object such as a paragraph or image map. You can assign other attributes by editing the Properties dialog box.
HTML character encoding A standard table which associates a numeric index with each character in a character set. The table is used when you create a Web page for use in a specific language. Also called code page.
HTML Markup A FrontPage component that is replaced with any arbitrary text you supply. This text is substituted for the FrontPage component when the page is saved to the server as HTML. Use HTML Markup to insert non-standard HTML commands on a page.
HTML tag A symbol used in HTML to identify a page element’s type, format, and appearance. The FrontPage Editor automatically creates HTML tags to represent each element on a page.
HTML View The view in the FrontPage Editor that displays a page’s HTML. You can directly edit a page’s HTML in this view.
HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol) The Internet protocol that allows World Wide Web browsers to retrieve information from servers.
hyperlink A pointer from text or from an image map to a page or other type of file on the World Wide Web. On Web pages, hyperlinks are the primary way to navigate between pages and among Web sites.
Hyperlink Status View A view in the FrontPage Explorer that graphically shows the status of the hyperlinks in your FrontPage web. The list includes both internal and external hyperlinks, and graphically indicates whether the hyperlinks have been verified or whether they are broken. Views in the FrontPage Explorer provide different ways of looking at the information in your FrontPage web, so that you can effectively manage your site.
Hyperlinks Pane In the FrontPage Explorer’s Hyperlinks view, the right portion of the screen, which shows the hyperlinks to the selected page and from the selected page in the All Pages pane.
Hyperlinks View A view in the FrontPage Explorer that graphically shows the hyperlinks among pages and other files in your FrontPage web along with the hyperlinks from your FrontPage web to other World Wide Web sites. Views in the FrontPage Explorer provide different ways of looking at the information in your FrontPage web, so that you can effectively manage your site.
hypertext Originally, any textual information on a computer containing jumps to other information. The hypertext jumps are called hyperlinks. On Web pages, hypertext is the primary way to navigate between pages and among Web sites. Hypertext on Web pages has been expanded to include hyperlinks from text and hyperlinks from image maps.
ID selector In a cascading style sheet style-definition (or style rule), a selector that is used to define a style for an individual page element, usually as an inline style. In FrontPage, you can define or apply ID selectors by clicking the Style button on the element's Properties dialog box, and then defining or applying the ID selector in the Style dialog box.
IIS (Internet Information Server) Microsoft’s high-performance, secure, and extensible Internet server based on Windows NT Server. IIS supports the World Wide Web, FTP, and gopher.
image A picture or graphics file that can be inserted on a Web page and displayed in a Web browser. FrontPage lets you import images in the following formats: GIF, JPEG (standard and progressive), BMP (Windows and OS/2), TIFF, TGA, RAS, EPS, PCX, and WMF. Imported images are converted to GIF format (for images containing up to 256 colors) or JPEG format (for images containing over 256 colors) when the page is saved to the current FrontPage web.
image alignment In FrontPage, the specification of how images and text are aligned with each other on a page. You specify image alignment in the FrontPage Editor.
image bullet Images used as the bullet characters in a bulleted list. The FrontPage Editor supports image bullets.
image form field A form field that displays an image in a form. By clicking the image, a user either submits or clears the form.
image map An image containing one or more invisible regions, called hotspots, which are assigned hyperlinks. Typically, an image map gives users visual cues about the information made available by clicking each part of the image. For example, a geographical map could be made into an image map by assigning hotspots to each region of interest on the map.
image toolbar The FrontPage Editor toolbar that contains commands to modify or enhance images. You also use the image toolbar to create image hotspots. See also hotspot.
IMAGEMAP.EXE The NCSA image map dispatcher. This program handles server-side image maps when the image map style is set to “NCSA.”
Include Page component A FrontPage component that is replaced with the contents of another page in the FrontPage web. This lets you update parts of many pages in one step.
initial page The page that is initially displayed in a frame when a user browses to a frames page containing the frame. In the FrontPage Editor you can assign the initial page to a frame. See also frames page.
inline image An image that is embedded in a line of text rather than in its own window. In FrontPage, images are inline by default.
inline style A method of applying cascading style sheet properties and values to an element on a page, such as a table, image, or ActiveX control. You can use this method even if the page is not linked to an external style sheet or does not contain an embedded style sheet. In FrontPage, you can create and apply an inline style by clicking the Style button on the element’s Properties dialog box, and then setting the inline style properties on the Style dialog box.
interlaced GIF A GIF image that is gradually displayed in a Web browser, showing increasingly detailed versions of the entire image until all of the data has finished downloading. See also GIF.
internal hyperlink A hyperlink to any page or file that is part of the current FrontPage web.
internal web A World Wide Web site created within an organization and accessible only to members of that organization on an intranet.
Internet The global computer network, composed of thousands of Wide Area Networks (WANs) and Local Area Networks (LANs) that uses TCP/IP to provide world-wide communications to homes, schools, businesses, and governments. The World Wide Web runs on the Internet.
Internet address See network location.
Internet Explorer The Microsoft Web browser for Windows 95, Windows NT, and Macintosh. When Internet Explorer is installed, FrontPage offers additional functionality, such as dynamic page and themes preview from within the FrontPage Editor. Internet Explorer version 3.0 offers ActiveX, Java, and plug-in support. Internet Explorer version 4.0 adds support for cascading style sheets, Dynamic HTML, and the Channel Definition Format (CDF).
Internet Information Server (IIS) Microsoft’s high-performance, secure, and extensible Internet server based on Windows NT Server. IIS supports the World Wide Web, FTP, and gopher.
intranet A computer network that is internal to an organization and supports Internet applications, especially the World Wide Web. Most intranets are configured so that their users can access the entire Internet without allowing users of the Internet access to the computers on the intranet. See also firewall.
IP (Internet Protocol) Internet software that divides data into packets for transmission over the Internet. Computers must run IP to communicate across the Internet. See also TCP.
IP address (Internet Protocol address) The standard way of identifying a computer that is connected to the Internet, much the way a telephone number identifies a telephone on a telephone network. The IP address is four numbers separated by periods, and each number is less than 256, for example, Your Web server administrator or Internet Service Provider will assign your computer an IP address.
IP address mask (Internet Protocol address mask) A range of IP addresses defined so only computers with IP addresses within the range are allowed access to an Internet service. To mask a portion of the IP address, replace it with the asterisk wild card character (*). For example, 192.44.*.* represents every computer on the Internet with an IP address beginning with 192.44.
ISAPI (Internet Server Application Programming Interface) A Web server application-development interface, developed by Process Software and Microsoft Corporation, that can be used in place of CGI.
Java A general-purpose programming language created by Sun Microsystems. Java can be used to create Java applets. A Java program is downloaded from the Web server and interpreted by a program running on the computer running the Web browser.
Java applet A short program written in Java that is attached to a Web page and executed by the computer on which the Web browser is installed.
JavaScript A cross-platform, World Wide Web scripting language developed by Netscape Communications. JavaScript code is inserted directly into an HTML page.
JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group) A graphical file format used to display high-resolution color images on the World Wide Web. JPEG images apply a user-specified compression scheme that can significantly reduce the large file sizes usually associated with photo-realistic color images. A higher level of compression results in lower image quality, whereas a lower level of compression results in higher image quality. See also progressive JPEG.
LAN (Local Area Network) A computer network technology designed to connect computers separated by a short distance. A LAN can be connected to the Internet and can also be configured as an intranet.
line break A special character that forces a new line on a page without creating a new paragraph.
link See hyperlink.
list A group of paragraphs similarly formatted to indicate membership in a set or in a sequence of steps. In the FrontPage Editor you can create numbered lists or bulleted lists, menus, directories, or definitions.
mailto The Internet protocol used to send electronic mail. You can create e-mail hyperlinks in the FrontPage Editor.
marquee A region on a page that displays a horizontally scrolling text message.
menu list A list of short paragraph entries formatted with little white space between them.
meta tag An HTML tag that must appear in the <head> portion of the page. Meta tags supply information about a page but do not affect its appearance. A standard meta tag, “generator,” is used to indicate the type of editor that created the HTML page.
Microsoft Image Composer A powerful image editing application integrated with FrontPage that lets you create original artwork or modify existing images.
MIME type (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions type) A method used by Web browsers to associate files of a certain type with applications that display files of that type.
multi-hosting The ability of a Web server to support more than one Internet address and more than one home page. Also called multi-homing.
name-value pair The name of a form field and the value of the field at the time the form is submitted. Each field in a form can have one or more name-value pairs, and the form itself can have one or more name-value pairs.
navigation bar A graphical or textual page element that incorporates navigation hyperlinks to pages that are part of a FrontPage web’s structure. You design the FrontPage web’s structure in the FrontPage Explorer’s Navigation view. See also FrontPage web structure, Navigation View.
Navigation Pane In the FrontPage Explorer’s Navigation view, the upper half of the screen, which shows the structure of your FrontPage web in a graphical representation.
Navigation view The FrontPage Explorer view that is used to create, display, print, and change the navigation structure of a FrontPage web. The Navigation view includes folder-like view, from which you can drag-and-drop pages into your site structure.
NCSA image map dispatcher The program IMAGEMAP.EXE, which handles server-side image maps when the image map style is “NCSA” and you are using the FrontPage Personal Web Server.
nested frames page A frames page containing another frames page inside one of its frames. See also frames page, frame.
nested list A list that is contained within a member of another list. Nesting is indicated by indentation in most Web browsers. When you create one list element within another list element in FrontPage, the new list element is automatically nested.
network location In a URL, a unique name that identifies an Internet server. A network location has two or more parts, separated by periods, as in my.network.location. Also called host name and Internet address.
news The Internet protocol for retrieving files from an Internet newsgroup. You can create news hyperlinks (news://) in the FrontPage Editor.
No Frames view The page view in the FrontPage Editor that displays the alternate HTML of a frames page. This is the HTML for Web browsers that do not support frames pages to display.
normal text The default paragraph style of the FrontPage Editor, intended for use in text paragraphs.
Normal view The default WYSIWYG page view of the FrontPage Editor that displays a page as it would appear in a Web browser.
NSAPI (Netscape Server Application Programming Interface) A Web server application development interface, developed by Netscape Communications Corporation.
NTLM (NT LanMan) The Windows NT Challenge/Response authentication protocol. This protocol uses encryption for secure transmission of passwords.
numbered list The HTML paragraph style that presents an ordered list of items.
OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) An object system created by Microsoft. OLE lets an author invoke different editor components to create a compound document.
ordered list See numbered list.
one-line text box A labeled, single-line form field in which users can type text.
page A single document on a Web site written in HTML language. You can use the FrontPage Editor to create and modify pages without having to learn HTML.
page template A pre-designed but generic Web page you can use to create new custom pages. Some of FrontPage’s page templates provide typical page content, while others provide common page layouts.
page title A text string identifying a page. The page title is displayed in the FrontPage Explorer and is used by many FrontPage Editor and FrontPage Explorer commands.
paragraph style In the FrontPage Editor, the paragraph style specifies the type of font to use in a paragraph, the font’s size, and other attributes related to text on a page. Paragraph style also specifies whether to use bullets and numbering and controls indentation and line spacing.
parent page A page in a FrontPage web that is part of the navigation structure of a FrontPage web and is linked to one or more pages called child pages. A child page is accessed from its parent page by following a link from a navigation bar on the parent page. See also navigation bar, peer page.
password A string of characters that allows a user access to an Internet service, if the service requires it.
path The portion of a URL that identifies the folders containing a file. For example, in the URL http://my.web.site/hello/world/greetings.htm, the path is /hello/world/.
PCT (Personal Communications Technology) An enhanced version of Secure Socket Layer. See also Secure Socket Layer.
PCX A graphical file format that compresses its image data with RLE-type compression, used by early versions of Windows Paintbrush. FrontPage can import PCX files.
peer pages A set of pages that are part of the navigational structure of a FrontPage web and share a common parent page. See also FrontPage web structure.
plug-in One of a set of software modules that integrate into Web browsers to offer a range of interactive and multimedia capabilities.
Popup Menu A FrontPage component that implements a popup menu on the Web page. Each item on the popup menu is a hyperlink. Using this popup menu, users can navigate the FrontPage web. You can create a Popup Menu in the FrontPage Editor.
port One of the network input/output channels of a computer running TCP/IP. On the World Wide Web, port usually refers to the port number a server is running on. A single computer can have many Web servers running on it, but only one server can be running on each port. The default port for Web servers is 80.
PPP (Point to Point Protocol) An Internet standard for transmitting data over serial links between computers.
progressive JPEG An enhancement to the JPEG image format specification that allows an image to be gradually displayed in a Web browser, showing increasingly detailed versions of the entire image until all of the data has finished downloading. While this is similar to interlaced GIF images, progressive JPEG images can retain the high quality of 24-bit color and offer the same efficient compression as standard JPEG. See also JPEG.
properties The characteristics of an item in a FrontPage web, such as the title and URL of a FrontPage web or the name and initial value of a form field. You can also specify properties for page elements such as tables, images, and scrolling marquees.
protocol A method of accessing a document or service over the Internet, such as File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP). Also called type.
proxy server An Internet server that acts as a firewall, mediating traffic between a protected network and the Internet. See also firewall.
publish The process of making your FrontPage web public on the World Wide Web or an intranet. You publish your FrontPage web using the FrontPage Explorer.
push button A form field that lets a user submit a form or reset a form to its initial state.
radio button A form field that presents a user with a selection that can be chosen by clicking on a button. Radio buttons are presented in a list, one of which is selected by default. Selecting a new member of the list deselects the currently selected item. See also check box.
RAS The Raster image file format developed by Sun Microsystems.
registered user A user of a Web site whose name and password has been recorded within the Web site. In a FrontPage web, you can register users with a FrontPage Registration Form Handler.
Registration Form Handler A FrontPage form handler that allows users to automatically register themselves for access to a service implemented as a World Wide Web site. The Registration Form Handler adds the user to the service’s authentication database, then gathers optional information from the form and stores it in one of many supported formats.
relative URL The Internet address of a page or other World Wide Web resource relative to the Internet address of the current page. A relative URL gives the path from the current page to the destination page or resource. A relative URL can include a protocol. For example, the relative URL doc/sample.htm refers to the page sample.htm in the folder doc, below the current folder.
resample The changing of the pixel dimensions (and therefore file size) of an image. An image can be resampled down (its number of pixels is decreased) or resampled up (its number of pixels is increased). When you resample an image down, pixel information is deleted from the image. When you resample an image up, new pixel information is created based on the color values of the existing pixels. Resampling and image down and then resampling it up to the original resolution will cause the quality of the image to deteriorate. The FrontPage Editor includes a Resample command.
root web The FrontPage web that is provided by a Web server by default. To access the root web, you supply the URL of the server without specifying a page name or sub-web. FrontPage is installed with a default root web named <Root web>. All FrontPage sub-webs are contained by the root web. See also sub-web.
row In a table, a horizontal collection of cells.
RTF (Rich Text Format) A method of encoding text formatting and document structure using the ASCII character set. By convention, RTF files have an .rtf filename extension. You can open RTF files in the FrontPage Editor and have them converted to HTML.
Save Results Form Handler A FrontPage form handler that gathers information from a form and stores it in one of a selection of formats or sends the information to an e-mail address. When a user submits the form, the Save Results Form Handler appends the form information to a file on the server in a specified format.
Scheduled Image A FrontPage component that is replaced on the page by an image during a specified time period. When the time period has expired, the image is no longer displayed. This is useful for displaying graphical information that has a limited lifetime, such as the announcement of a new product or service.
Scheduled Include Page component A FrontPage component that is replaced with the contents of a file in a FrontPage web during a specified time period. When the time period has expired, the contents of the file are no longer displayed. This is useful for displaying textual information that has a limited lifetime.
script A type of computer code than can be directly executed by a program that understands the language in which the script is written. Scripts do not need to be compiled to be run.
scrolling text box A labeled, multiple-line form field in which users can type one or more lines of text.
Search Form A FrontPage component that creates a form that provides full text-searching capability in your FrontPage web when the FrontPage web is browsed. When a user submits a form containing words to locate, the Search Form returns a list of hyperlinks to the pages in your FrontPage web containing matches for the words.
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) A low-level protocol that enables secure communications between a Web server and FrontPage or a Web browser.
selection bar In the FrontPage Editor, an unmarked column along the left edge of body text that is used to select lines of text by clicking the left mouse button.
selector In a cascading style sheet style-definition (or style rule), the HTML element linked to a particular set of style properties and values.
server A computer that offers services on a network. On the World Wide Web, a server is a computer that runs the Web server software which responds to HTTP protocol requests. Also called host.
server name See network location.
server-side image map An image map that passes the coordinates of the mouse pointer to a CGI handler routine on the server. Server-side image maps require your server to compute the target URL of the hyperlink based on the mouse pointer coordinates.
server-side include A feature provided by some Web servers that automatically inserts text onto pages when they are fetched by a Web browser.
SGML An ISO (International Standards Organization) markup language for representing documents on computers. HTML is based on SGML concepts.
shared borders Page regions reserved for content that you want to appear consistently throughout your pages. Shared borders usually contain navigation bars — hyperlinks to the other pages in the current FrontPage web. When you create a FrontPage web in the FrontPage Explorer’s Navigation view, shared borders and navigation bars are automatically created and updated, even when you add, move, or delete pages from the web’s structure.
size handle The black rectangle displayed on a selected form field, image, or hotspot. When you select a size handle, the cursor becomes a bi-directional arrow. Click and drag a size handle to reshape a form field, image, or hotspot.
SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol) An Internet standard for transmitting data over serial links between computers.
special character A character not included in the standard 7-bit ASCII character set, such as the copyright mark (©). In FrontPage, you can add special characters using the FrontPage Editor.
standard toolbar The FrontPage Editor toolbar containing the most commonly used menu commands.
status bar The area at the bottom of the FrontPage Editor or FrontPage Explorer that displays information about the currently selected command or about an operation in progress.
strong text The HTML character style used for strong emphasis. Certain browsers display this style as bold.
style Styles are used in a webs to control the type of font, alignment and spacing of text, appearance of background pages, and other HTML attributes. A collection of styles is called a style sheet. See also cascading style sheet.
sub-web A named subdirectory of the root web that is a complete FrontPage web. Each FrontPage sub-web can have independent administration, authoring and browsing permissions from the root web and other sub-webs. In addition, searches implemented through the FrontPage Search Form are limited to the sub-web, and FrontPage only manages hyperlinks within the sub-web. Any number of sub-webs can be created under the root web. FrontPage does not support creating sub-webs within sub-webs. However, each sub-web can have many levels of subdirectories, organizing its content. See also root web and FrontPage web.
Substitution component A FrontPage component that is replaced by the value of a selected page or web variable.
table One or more rows of cells on a page used to organize the layout of a page or arrange data systematically. In FrontPage, you can place anything in a table cell, including text, images, and forms.
table cell See cell.
Table of Contents A FrontPage component that creates an outline of your FrontPage web, with hyperlinks to each page. The Table of Contents updates this outline each time a FrontPage web’s contents change.
table toolbar The FrontPage Editor toolbar that contains commands for creating and modifying tables.
tag See HTML tag.
tag selection In the FrontPage Editor, a method of selecting a group of paragraphs and other objects on a page. Use tag selection to select the members of a list, an entire form, or a FrontPage component. To tag select a set of objects, move the cursor to the left of the objects until the cursor becomes the tag selection cursor (an arrow pointing to the upper-right), and then double-click.
target frame The name of a frame in which to display the target page of a hyperlink. Typically, a hyperlink from one frame of a frames page will supply as its target frame another frame of the frames page.
task An item associated with a FrontPage web representing one action you need to perform to complete a FrontPage web. Some tasks are automatically generated by FrontPage wizards. You can also add your own tasks. Tasks are displayed in the FrontPage Explorer’s Tasks view.
Tasks View The FrontPage Explorer view that maintains a list of the tasks required to complete a FrontPage web, along with lists of broken hyperlinks and unlinked items in the FrontPage web. Views in the FrontPage Explorer provide different ways of looking at the information in your FrontPage web, so that you can effectively manage your site.
TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Internet networking software that controls the transmission of packets of data over the Internet. Among its tasks, TCP checks for lost packets, puts the data from multiple packets into the correct order, and requests that missing or damaged packets be resent. Computers must run TCP to communicate with Web servers.
template A set of pre-designed formats for text and images on which new pages and new FrontPage webs can be based. After a page or web is created using a template, you can customize the page or web.
term The first of a pair of paragraphs formatted as a definition list entry. The second paragraph is the definition.
TGA (TARGA) A photo-realistic image format designed for systems with a Truevision display adapter.
theme A theme applies professionally designed, graphical page elements to the pages in a FrontPage web. FrontPage offers a gallery of over 50 themes that consist of similar design elements for bullets, fonts, images, navigation bars, and other page elements. When applied, a theme gives pages and navigation bars in a FrontPage web an attractive and consistent appearance. You apply a theme in the FrontPage Explorer’s Themes view.
Themes View The FrontPage Explorer view that lets you add graphic page elements, such as bullets and backgrounds, to your FrontPage web. You can choose from a gallery of available FrontPage themes and apply them to all pages in the current FrontPage web to give your site a consistent, professional appearance and navigation structure. You can also enable, disable, or override theme formatting for individual pages in the FrontPage Editor.
thumbnail A small version of an image on a Web page, usually containing a hyperlink to a full-size version of the image.
TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) A high-resolution, tag-based image format. TIFF is used for the universal interchange of digital images.
Timestamp A FrontPage component that is replaced by the date and time a page was last edited or updated.
transition effect One of a set of page-display effects, such as Dissolve and Fade To Black, that are available in some Web browsers. Transition effects can be configured to occur when a user visits or leaves a page. You can apply a transition effect to a page using the FrontPage Editor.
type See protocol.
TWAIN Developed by a consortium of imaging hardware and software manufacturers, TWAIN is a cross-platform interface for acquiring electronic images captured by TWAIN-compliant scanners, digital cameras, and still-frame video capture boards.
typewriter font The text style that emulates fixed pitch (monospaced) typewritten text. Typewriter font is useful for computer code examples and for presenting sample input from a user.
UNIX A multi-user, multitasking operating system that exists in various forms and implementations, typically used on proprietary computer workstations. Many Web servers run on UNIX systems.
unordered list See bulleted list.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator) A string that supplies the Internet address of a Web site or resource on the World Wide Web, along with the protocol by which the site or resource is accessed. The most common URL type is http://, which gives the Internet address of a Web page. Some other URL types are gopher://, which gives the Internet address of a Gopher directory, and ftp://, which gives the network location of an FTP resource.
variable Information about a FrontPage web or page that can be displayed by FrontPage form handlers or FrontPage Substitution components when a page is browsed. FrontPage includes standard web and page variables. Authors can define new variables in the FrontPage Explorer.
VBScript Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition, a subset of the Microsoft Visual Basic programming system. Microsoft Internet Explorer version 3.0 and higher, along with other Web browsers, can read VBScript programs embedded in HTML pages. VBScript programs can be executed either on the Web server, or on the computer on which the Web browser is installed. In the FrontPage Editor, you can insert and edit VBScript code.
veronica An automated Internet search service available through gopher. See also gopher.
video clip A short video sequence that can be embedded into a Web page. Video clips can be inserted into FrontPage using ActiveX Controls, VBScripts, Java applets, or plug-ins.
Views bar The vertical bar at the left of the FrontPage Explorer window. The buttons on the Views bar let you switch to different views of your FrontPage web, such as Folders view or Hyperlinks view. Views in the FrontPage Explorer provide different ways of looking at the information in your FrontPage web, so that you can effectively manage your site.
virtual server One of multiple Web sites running on the same server, each with a unique domain name and IP address. A Web server that supports virtual servers is called a multi-hosting Web server.
visited hyperlink A hyperlink on a page that has been activated. Visited hyperlinks are usually displayed in a unique color by a browser.
Visual SourceSafe A document source-control system developed by Microsoft. FrontPage integrates with Visual SourceSafe if both applications are installed on the same computer.
WAIS (Wide Area Information Service) Supports searching over the Internet.
WAN (Wide Area Network) A computer network that spans a long distance and uses specialized computers to connect smaller networks.
washout An image editing effect available in the FrontPage Editor. Applying the Washout tool to an image file creates a low-resolution, high-contrast version of the image. A washed-out image can be used as a watermarked background on your pages, without the need to make manual resolution, color, and contrast adjustments in an image editing program.
watermark An image that appears on the backgrounds of pages in a Web site to decorate and identify the pages, but which does not scroll as the page scrolls. Not all Web browsers support watermarks.
Web browser A client application that fetches and displays Web pages and other World Wide Web resources to the user. FrontPage includes Microsoft Internet Explorer, a popular Web browser.
WebBot component A dynamic object on a page that is evaluated and executed when an author saves the page or, in some cases, when a user browses to the page. Most WebBot components generate HTML. Many built-in FrontPage components, such as Search Forms, Banner Ad Manager, and Save Results Form Handlers, are implemented as WebBot components. The FrontPage Software Developer’s Kit (SDK) contains instructions for adding custom WebBot components to the FrontPage Editor.
WebBot component cursor In the FrontPage Editor, the robot-shaped cursor that is displayed when you move the FrontPage cursor over an area of a page containing a FrontPage component. See also WebBot component.
Wizard A FrontPage program that creates FrontPage webs or Web pages, based on choices the user selects in the wizard’s input panels.
WMF (Windows Meta File) A vector graphics format for Windows-compatible computers used mostly for word processing clip art.
World Wide Web The graphical Internet hypertext service that uses the HTTP protocol to retrieve Web pages and other resources from Web servers. Pages on the World Wide Web usually contain hyperlinks to other pages, documents, and files.
WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get). An editing interface in which a file being created is displayed as it will appear to an end-user. The FrontPage Editor is a WYSIWYG editor.