
The EnumObjectsProc function is an application-defined callback function used with the EnumObjects function. It is used to process the object data. The GOBJECTENUMPROC type defines a pointer to this callback function. EnumObjectsProc is a placeholder for the application-defined function name.

VOID CALLBACK EnumObjectsProc(
  LPVOID lpLogObject,  // pointer to graphic-object structure
  LPARAM lpData        // pointer to application-defined data


Pointer to a LOGPEN or LOGBRUSH structure describing the attributes of the object.
Pointer to the application-defined data passed by the EnumObjects function.

Return Values

This function does not return a value.


An application must register this function by passing its address to the EnumObjects function.


  Windows NT: Requires version 3.1 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in wingdi.h.
  Import Library: User-defined.

See Also

Device Contexts Overview, Device Context Functions, EnumObjects, GlobalAlloc, GlobalLock, LOGPEN, LOGBRUSH