
The EnumFontFamExProc function is an application-defined callback function used with the EnumFontFamiliesEx function. It is used to process the fonts. It is called once for each enumerated font. The FONTENUMPROC type defines a pointer to this callback function. EnumFontFamExProc is a placeholder for the application-defined function name.

int CALLBACK EnumFontFamExProc(
  ENUMLOGFONTEX *lpelfe,    // pointer to logical-font data
  NEWTEXTMETRICEX *lpntme,  // pointer to physical-font data
  int FontType,             // type of font
  LPARAM lParam             // application-defined data


Pointer to an ENUMLOGFONTEX structure that contains information about the logical attributes of the font.
Pointer to a structure that contains information about the physical attributes of a font. The function uses the NEWTEXTMETRICEX structure for TrueType fonts; and the TEXTMETRIC structure for other fonts.

Windows 95: The NEWTEXTMETRICEX structure is not implemented. Use NEWTEXTMETRIC instead.

Specifies the type of the font. This parameter can be a combination of these values:


Specifies the application-defined data passed by the EnumFontFamiliesEx function.

Return Values

The return value must be a nonzero value to continue enumeration; to stop enumeration, the return value must be zero.


An application must register this callback function by passing its address to the EnumFontFamiliesEx function.

Unlike the EnumFontFamProc callback function, EnumFontFamExProc receives extended information about a font. The ENUMLOGFONTEX structure includes the localized name of the script (character set) and the NEWTEXTMETRICEX structure includes a font-coverage signature.


  Windows NT: Requires version 4.0 or later.
  Windows: Requires Windows 95 or later.
  Windows CE: Unsupported.
  Header: Declared in wingdi.h.
  Import Library: User-defined.

See Also

Fonts and Text Overview, Font and Text Functions, EnumFontFamiliesEx, EnumFontFamProc, ENUMLOGFONTEX, NEWTEXTMETRICEX, TEXTMETRIC