Abort Procedure

Any Windows-based application that supports printing should provide an abort procedure and a modeless dialog box that allow a user to cancel a print job. The abort procedure for the sample application contains a message loop that retrieves messages for the modeless dialog box.

BOOL CALLBACK AbortProc(HDC hdc, int nCode) 
    MSG msg; 
    // Retrieve and remove messages from the thread's message queue. 
    while (PeekMessage((LPMSG) &msg, (HWND) NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) 
        // Process any messages for the Cancel dialog box. 
        if (!IsDialogMessage(hdlgCancel, (LPMSG) &msg)) 
            TranslateMessage((LPMSG) &msg); 
            DispatchMessage((LPMSG) &msg); 
    // Return the global bPrint flag (which is set to FALSE if the 
    // user presses the Cancel button). 
    return bPrint; 

For Win16-based applications, this procedure must be exported in the application's module-definition (.DEF) file.