Industrial Design Requirements for Workstation PC 97

This section summarizes the physical design requirements for Workstation PC 97 systems. These requirements are in addition to those related to the OnNow initiative for power-state indicators and easily accessible power switches.

5. All expansion slots in the system accessible for users to insert cards


The expansion slots cannot be physically blocked by components or devices provided with the system. This does not exclude configurations that allow space for only half-height cards for some slots or passive back planes used for connectors, and so on.

6. Audible noise meets PC 97 standards


A PC 97 system should be "silent" in the Sleeping state and as quiet as possible during active operations. Recommended test procedures and measurements will be documented by Microsoft.

The need to limit audible noise comes from the OnNow design initiative. A PC that uses OnNow technologies will be active even when not under direct operation by the user. These operations must happen silently so as not to interfere with other activities in the work site.

7. System and component design practices follow accessibility guidelines


Accessibility design guidelines are provided in Appendix C, "Accessibility," in this guide. These guidelines were developed in consultation with the Trace Research and Development Center at the University of Wisconsin. Notice that this recommendation will not become a requirement.