The Official Reference for Designing PCs and Peripherals for the Microsoft® Windows® Family of Operating Systems

Microsoft Corporation

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© 1996 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

PC 97 Editorial Team: Annie Pearson, David Williams.

PC 97 Production and Editorial Assistants: Catherine Horne, Jan Wright, Ilya Balyeat.

Contributing Writers: Joe Decuir, Mike Flora, Keith Laepple, Steve Loewen, Annie Pearson, Steve Timm, Mark Williams.

Technical Contributors: George Allen, David Alles, Matthew Anderson, Felix Gti Andrew, Frank Artale, T.K. Backman, Alistair Banks, Peter Biddle, Eric Bidstrup, Kristi Bolen, Jay Borseth, Mike Borsheim, Billy Brackenridge, Kyle Brandon, Kecia Bruce, Marshall Brumer, Seth Catlin, Jim Cobb, Ken Cooper, Trudy Culbreth, Alireza Dabagh, Joseph Dadzie, Rick Dewitt, Brian Emanuels, Charles Fitzgerald, David Flenniken, Forrest Foltz, Pat Fox, Bob Fries, Lynn Fulks, John Nels Fuller, Steve Gabriel, Mike Glass, Ty Graham, Laurie Griffiths, Robert Gross, Wassef Haroun, Bob Heddle, Jay Hendricks, Scott Herrboldt, Jameel Hyder, Bruce E. Johnson, Walt Jones, Joseph Joy, Jonathan Kagle, John Kalkman, Barry Kelman, Mark Kenworthy, Servan Keondjian, Jawad Khaki, David Kline, Doug Klopfenstein, Larry Landsverk, Todd Laney, David Lao, On Lee, Tom Lennon, Jim Livingston, Greg Lowney, Richard Machin, Jon Marbry, Tom McGuire, Rob McKaughan, Lonny McMichael, Ted Miller, Arvind Murching, Andrew Nicholson, Pekka Nikkonen, Charles Park, Bill Parry, Ray Pedrizetti, Dan Perry, Kevin Phaup, Shaun Pierce, Bill Powell, Ron Radko, Ken Reneris, Aaron Reynolds, Bob Rinne, Husni Roukbi, George Roussos, Pierre-Yves Santerre, Chuck Scott, Mark Sestak, Nathan Sherman, Keith Shetterly, Glen Slick, Doug Spencer, Matt Squires, Ed Stubbs, Glenn Thompson, Andre Vachon, Mike Van Flandern, Brad Vavra, Bill Veghte, Channing Verbeck, Bryan Willman, Steve Wright, Craig Zhou.