Evolving the PC Platform

Every member of the PC industry has an important business goal that involves growing the PC market among business and home users. An important key to growing any part of the PC hardware market is to increase the ease of use for PCs in general and to provide support for new kinds of hardware in particular:

The endeavor to make PC hardware easier to use can only be accomplished as an industry partnership among hardware vendors, PC manufacturers, and Microsoft to design hardware, operating systems, and software that work together effectively. One of the most exemplary efforts for this endeavor in the recent past has been the Plug and Play initiative that the industry has embraced.

To continue evolving both the usability and new capabilities for PC hardware, the industry must continue to work on evolving the PC platform in key ways:

Microsoft is dedicated to working in strategic industry relationships that deepen and strengthen support for evolving the PC platform. To this end, Microsoft is involved in these efforts:

The intent of the PC 97 Hardware Design Guidelines and the "Designed for Microsoft Windows" program is to make PCs, hardware components, and software easier to use. The system design requirements defined in this guide support a synergy among PC hardware, Microsoft Windows operating systems, and Windows-based software. The new PC 97 requirements for systems and components are based on the following high-level goals: