Plug and Play and Bus Design for Video Components

The items in this section summarize requirements for Plug and Play and other resource- and bus-related capabilities.

6. Plug and Play device identifier


Each device must have a Plug and Play device identifier as required for the bus it uses, as defined in Part 3 of this guide. For example, a PCI device must comply with PCI v. 2.1 requirements and also provide a Subsystem ID and Subsystem Vendor ID, as defined in the "PCI" chapter in Part 3 of this guide.

7. Conflict resolution and dynamic disable capabilities


The operating system must be capable of automatically assigning, disabling, and relocating the resources used by this device when necessary, using the method required for the related bus class. All configuration settings must be capable of being made through software, with no system reboot required. Changing or adding this device to the PC system must not require changing jumpers or switches on either the adapter or the system board to set resource assignments. In the event of an irreconcilable conflict with other devices on the system, the operating system must be able to disable the device to prevent the system from stalling. The device must not claim any resources while disabled.

8. Dependent MPEG device is not enumerated independently


If an MPEG device is implemented as a dependent device on a multifunction adapter, it must not be enumerated independently. Instead, its parent must be responsible for installing and loading its MPEG driver and updating the registry on its behalf.