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Defines an item in a channel. An item is a unit of information that usually corresponds to a Web page. In an Active Channel, items will appear in the hierarchy exposed in the Channels Explorer Bar. To prevent an item from showing up in the Channels Explorer Bar, the USAGE element should be included as a child element of the ITEM with the VALUE attribute set to "None."

Required. URL that represents the channel. The browser navigates to this location when the user activates the channel. There must be exactly one HREF attribute with the ITEM element. The HREF attribute should be omitted if the ITEM element contains an anchor (A) as a child element.
Last date/time in GMT that the page indexed by the HREF attribute was modified. GMT is Greenwich Mean Time, also known as Universal Time Coordinated (UTC). Note that the LASTMOD date/time is not necessarily your local time. This allows the channel client to determine whether the content has changed since the last time it was downloaded. The item is downloaded only if the date associated with the cached item is older than the LASTMOD value in the CDF file. Additional information on optimizing channels is available in the Creating Active Channels documentation. The date format used in the LASTMOD attribute is specified in the form yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm, where:
yyyy Specifies the year.
mm Specifies the month (01-12).
dd Specifies the day of the month (01-31).
hh Specifies the hour of the day (00-23).
mm Specifies the minutes (00-59).
Number of levels (or links) deep the client should site crawl and precache the HTML content from the URL specified in the HREF attribute. The default is zero, which specifies to precache only the URL of the item and the images it references. If the URL contains frames, the client also retrieves all content inside the frames.
Specifies whether content should be downloaded and cached on the client computer. If PRECACHE is omitted or set to "YES", content is downloaded only if the user of Internet Explorer has specified that channel content should be downloaded. If PRECACHE is set to "NO", content is not downloaded and the LEVEL attribute is ignored.

Number of allowed occurrences: Any number
Parent elements Child elements

The end tag </ITEM> is required.


<ITEM HREF="" LASTMOD="1997-09-11T10:30">
    <TITLE>Welcome to FooSports!</TITLE>
    <ABSTRACT>FooSports articles, news, and promotional offers</ABSTRACT>

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