AddAmbient MethodAddAmbient Method*

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AddAmbient Method


Adds an ambient light to the Lights Filter Effect object. Ambient light is nondirectional light that sheds parallel beams perpendicular to the surface of the page. Ambient light has color and strength values and can be used to add more color to the page; it is often used in conjunction with other lights.


call object.filters.Light.addAmbient(R,G,B,strength)

object Name of the object to which the Light filter is applied.
R Red value, integer from 0 to 255. 0 is lowest saturation, 255 is highest.
G Green value, integer from 0 to 255. 0 is lowest saturation, 255 is highest.
B Blue value, integer from 0 to 255. 0 is lowest saturation, 255 is highest.
strength Intensity setting.


This example shows how to create a blue ambient light with a fairly low intensity.

call object.filters.Light.addAmbient(0,0,255,10)

Applies To

Light Filter

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