Wave Filter EffectWave Filter Effect*

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Wave Filter Effect


Performs a sine wave distortion of the visual display of the object along the vertical axis.


{FILTER: Wave(Add=add, Freq=freq, LightStrength=strength, Phase=phase, Strength=strength)}

add Boolean. If true (nonzero value), adds the original image to the waved image. If false (0), it does not.
freq Number of waves to appear in the visual distortion. Integer.
light Strength of the light on the wave effect in percent, from 0 to 100.
phase Phase offset for the start of the sine wave effect, which is normally 0 degrees. Value between 0 and 100, which expresses the percentage of the wavelength at which offset should start. For example, a value of 25 starts sine wave effect at 90 degrees. A value of 360 is the equivalent of 0.
strength Intensity of the wave effect.


Using a sequencer to change the phase parameter can create some interesting effects.

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