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Specifies the document's base URL.


TARGET=window_name | _blank | _parent | _self | _top

HREF=url Specifies the document's reference URL for associating relative URLs with the proper document path.
TARGET=window_name | _blank | _parent | _self | _top Specifies the window or frame to target the contents at. If no frame or window exists that matches the specified target, a new window is opened for the specified link. If no target is specified, the default is "_self" for a link within the same site or "_top" if the site is external. Special target values are listed below:
_blank Specifies to load the link into a new unnamed window.
_parent Specifies to load the link into the immediate parent of the document the link is in.
_self Specifies to load the link into the same window the link was clicked in.
_top Specifies to load the link into the full body of the current window.


Base is used to ensure that your document's relative links are associated with the proper document path.

This element may only be used within the HEAD tag.

This is an empty element and does not require a closing tag.



Scripting Object


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