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Changes the scope of the range by moving the end position of the range.


long = object.moveEnd(unit [, count])

unit String specifying the units to move. Can be one of the following strings:
character Moves one or more characters.
word Moves one or more words. A word is a collection of characters terminated by a space or other white-space character.
sentence Moves one or more sentences. A sentence is a collection of words terminated by a punctuation character, such as a period.
textedit Moves to the start or end of the original range.
count Optional. Integer specifying the number of units to move. This can be positive or negative. When omitted, defaults to 1.

Return Value

Returns the actual number of units moved.


This feature might not be available on non-Win32 platforms. See article Q172976 in the Microsoft Knowledge Base for the latest information on Internet Explorer cross-platform compatibility.

Applies To


See Also

move, moveStart

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