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Inserts an object onto the HTML page. An object can appear in the HEAD or the BODY of a document.

Possible return values (those generated by Object Model properties) on the OBJECT tag will depend on the implementation of the OBJECT. For example, the readyState property will return null or error if the OBJECT does not implement a readyState property. Object Model properties available for an OBJECT depend on the contents of the OBJECT. See the documentation for the individual object for supported Object Model properties.

Note: the object property for the OBJECT element is a way of reconciling Object Model members that are duplicated by the OBJECT element's implementation and DHTML. For instance, if the OBJECT implements an item method, and DHTML implements an item method, to use the one defined for the OBJECT, document.all.objectID.object.item() would differentiate these methods.


This element is a block element.


accessKey, align, altHTML, classid, className, code, codeBase, codeType, data, dataFld, dataSrc, dataFormatAs, document, height, hspace, id, isTextEdit, lang, language, name, object, offsetHeight, offsetLeft, offsetParent, offsetTop, offsetWidth, outerHTML, outerText, parentElement, parentTextEdit, readyState, sourceIndex, style, tabIndex, tagName, title, type, vspace, width


blur, click, contains, focus, getAttribute, removeAttribute, scrollIntoView, setAttribute


all, children, filters


onafterupdate, onbeforeupdate, onblur, onclick, ondataavailable, ondatasetchanged, ondatasetcomplete, ondblclick, ondragstart, onerror, onerrorupdate, onfilterchange, onfocus, onreadystatechange, onrowenter, onrowexit, onselectstart

HTML Element


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