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    LPCSTR pcszURL,
    DWORD dwInFlags,
    LPSTR *ppszTranslatedURL

Applies common translations to a given URL string, creating a new URL string.

Address of the URL string to be translated.
Bit flags that specify how the URL string is to be translated. This value can be a combination of the following:
TRANSLATEURL_FL_GUESS_PROTOCOLIf the protocol scheme is not specified in the pcszURL parameter to TranslateURL, the system automatically chooses a scheme and adds it to the URL.
TRANSLATEURL_FL_USE_DEFAULT_PROTOCOLIf the protocol scheme is not specified in the pcszURL parameter to TranslateURL, the system adds the default protocol to the URL.
Pointer variable that receives the pointer to the newly created, translated URL string, if any. The *ppszTranslatedURL parameter is valid only if the function returns S_OK.

This function does not validate the input URL string. A successful return value does not indicate that the URL strings are valid URLs.

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