
You can use the AppDisable method of the IIsWebDirectory object to disable a Web application that is running out-of-process. All of the application's resources are released and the application's process is terminated. Attempts to access this application will fail. You can use the AppEnable method to re-enable a disabled application. You use the AppDisable and AppEnable methods primarily when moving, copying, or renaming metabase keys. This method has no effect if the application is running in-process.



Code Example

Dim DirObj 
Set DirObj = GetObject("IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC/1/ROOT/MyAppDir") 
' Disable the application at this directory 

See Also

AppCreate, AppDelete, AppDeleteRecursive, AppUnload, AppUnloadRecursive, AppGetStatus, AppDisableRecursive, AppEnable, AppEnableRecursive