
The IRequest::get_Item method retrieves a pointer to an interface pointer of the first item in the Request object's collections that contains the specified string. The collections are searched in the following order: QueryString, Form, Cookies, ClientCertificate, ServerVariables.

HRESULT get_Item(
  BSTR bstrVar,  //binary string that contains the name of the item 
                 // to retrieve
  IDispatch ** ppObjReturn
                 //pointer to an IDispatch interface pointer that 
                 // receives the object that contains the binary 
                 // string specified in bstrVar


A binary string that contains the name of the item to retrieve.
Points to an IDispatch interface pointer that receives the object that contains the value specified in bstrVar.

Return Values

The datatype of the variant that is returned is VT_DISPATCH. If you need to convert the returned item to a BSTR, you should call the Win32 API function VariantChangeType. For more information on VariantChangeType, see the Platform SDK.

If the object containing bstrVar is found in the QueryString, Form, or ServerVariables collection, then ppObjReturn points to an object which supports the IStringList interface.

If the object is found in the ClientCertificate collection, then ppObjReturn points to an object that supports the IRequestDictionary interface.

If the object is found in the Cookies collection, ppObjReturn points to an object which supports the IReadCookie interface.

See Also

IStringList, IRequestDictionary