Query Property Set

[This is preliminary documentation and subject to change.]

The query property set contains properties computed or made available by the query engine in Index Server. The GUID is PSGUID_QUERY, which is defined in oledb.h as:

extern const GUID PSGUID_QUERY = {0x49691c90,0x7e17,0x101a,{0xa9,0x1c,0x08,0x00,0x2b,0x2e,0xcd,0xa9}};

Some of these properties are defined in oledb.h, the rest in ntquery.h.

The array of ranks for each term in a vector query. Default type is VT_VECTOR | VT_UI4. The Index Server friendly name is "rankvector".
The rank of a file, that indicates how well the query matched the file. This value is between 0 and 1000. Default type is VT_I4. The Index Server friendly name is "rank".
The count of query hits in a file. Default type is VT_I4. The Index Server friendly name is "hitcount".
Refers to all properties of the file. This property is for query restrictions only; it cannot be retrieved in a query result. Default type is VT_LPWSTR. The Index Server friendly name is "all".
Filtered state of the file. Default type is VT_BOOL. There is no Index Server name for this property; it must be defined manually.
The Index Information Server virtual path of a file. The path can be in the WWW, NNTP, or IMAP name spaces. Default type is VT_LPWSTR. The Index Server friendly name is "vpath".