The following tables list the trappable errors and constants for the Internet Transfer control.
Constant | Value | Description |
icOutOfMemory | 7 | "Out of memory" |
icDisconnected | 10 | The computer has been disconnected from the network. |
icTypeMismatch | 13 | "Type mismatch" |
icInvalidPropertyValue | 380 | Invalid property value |
icInetOpenFailed | 35750 | Unable to open internet handle. |
icOpenFailed | 35751 | "Unable to open URL" |
icBadUrlL | 35752 | "URL is malformed" |
icProtMismatch | 35753 | "Protocol not supported for this method" |
icConnectFailed | 35754 | "Unable to connect to remote host" |
icNoRemoteHost | 35755 | "No remote computer is specified" |
icRequestFailed | 35756 | "Unable to complete request" |
icNoExecute | 35757 | "You must execute an operation before retrieving data" |
icBlewChunk | 35758 | "Unable to retrieve data" |
icFtpCommandFailed | 35759 | "FTP command failed" |
icUnsupportedType | 35760 | "Cannot coerce type" |
icTimeOut | 35761 | "Request timed out" |
icUnsupportedCommand | 35762 | "Not a valid or supported command" |
icInvalidOperation | 35763 | "Invalid operation argument" |
icExecuting | 35764 | "Still executing last request" |
icInvalidForFtp | 35765 | "This call is not valid for an FTP connection" |
icOutOfHandles | 35767 | "Out of handles" |
icinetTimeout | 35768 | "Timeout" |
icInetTimeout | 35768 | Timeout |
icExtendedError | 35769 | Extended error. |
icIntervalError | 35770 | Internal error. |
icInvalidURL | 35771 | Invalid URL. |
icUnrecognizedScheme | 35772 | Unrecognized scheme |
icNameNotResolved | 35773 | Name not resolved. |
icProtocolNotFound | 35774 | Protocol not found. |
icInvalidOption | 35775 | Invalid option. |
icBadOptionLength | 35776 | Bad option length. |
icOptionNotSettable | 35777 | Option not settable |
icShutDown | 35778 | Shutdown |
icIncorrectUserName | 35779 | Incorrect User name. |
icLoginFailure | 35781 | Login failure. |
icInetIvalidOperation | 35782 | Invalid operation. |
icOperationCancelled | 35783 | Operation cancelled. |
icIncorrectHandleType | 35784 | incorrect handle type. |
icIncorrectHandleState | 35785 | incorrect handle state. |
icNotProxyRequest | 35786 | Not a proxy. |
icRegistryValueNotFound | 35787 | Registry value not found. |
icbadRegistryParameter | 35788 | bad registry parameter. |
icNoDirectAccess | 35789 | No direct access. |
icIncorrectPassword | 35780 | Incorrect password. |
icNoContext | 35790 | No context. |
icNoCallback | 35791 | No callback. |
icRequestPending | 35792 | Request pending. |
icIncorrectFormat | 35793 | Incorrect format. |
icItemNotFound | 35794 | Item not found. |
icCannotConnect | 35795 | Cannot connect. |
icConnectionAborted | 35796 | Connection aborted. |
icConnectionReset | 35797 | Connection reset. |
icForceEntry | 35798 | Force entry. |
icInvalidProxyRequest | 35799 | Invalid proxy request |
icWouldBlock | 35800 | Would block. |
icHandleExists | 35802 | Handle exists. |
icSecCertDateInvalid | 35803 | Security certificate date invalid. |
icSecCertCnInvalid | 35804 | Security certificate number invalid. |
icHttpsToHttpOnRedir | 35806 | HTTPS to HTTP on redirect. |
icMixedSecurity | 35807 | Mixed security |
icChgPostIsNotSecure | 35808 | Change post is not secure |
icHttpToHttpsOnRedir | 35808 | HTTPS to HTTP on redirect. |
icPostIsNonSecure | 35809 | Post is non-secure. |
icClientAuthCertNeeded | 35810 | Client authorization certificate needed. |
icInvalidCa | 35811 | Invalid client authorization. |
icClientAuthNotSetup | 35812 | Client Authorization not set up. |
icAsyncThreadFailed | 35813 | Async thread failed. |
icRedirectSchemeChange | 35814 | Redirect scheme change. |
icDialogPending | 35815 | The operation is suspended until you dismiss an open dialog box. |
icRetryDialog | 35816 | Attempt the operation again. |
icHttpsHttpSubmitRedir | 35818 | You must reattempt the operation again because a security zone check failed. |
icInsertCdrom | 35819 | The installable CD cache requires a CD-ROM to be present in the drive. |
icFtpTransferInProgress | 35876 | FTP: transfer in progress. |
icFtpDropped | 35877 | Connection dropped. |
icFtpNoPassiveMode | 35878 | A PASSIVE mode connection was attempted (that is, the original connect request specified INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE), but the server does not allow that mode. |
icGopherProtocolError | 35896 | Gopher: protocol error. |
icGopherNotFile | 35897 | Gopher: not a file. |
icGopherDataError | 35898 | Gopher: data error. |
icGopherEndOfData | 35899 | Gopher: end of data. |
icGopherInvalidLocator | 35900 | Gopher: invalid locator. |
icGopherIncorrectLocatorType | 35901 | Gopher: incorrect locator type. |
icGopherNotGopherPlus | 35902 | Gopher: not Gopher plus. |
icGopherAttributeNotFound | 35903 | Gopher: attribute not found. |
icGopherUnknownLocator | 35904 | Gopher: unknown locator. |
icHeaderNotFound | 35916 | HTTP: header not found. |
icHttpDownlevelServer | 35917 | HTTP: downlevel server. |
icHttpInvalidServerResponse | 35918 | HTTP: invalid server response. |
icHttpInvalidHeader | 35919 | HTTP: invalid header. |
icHttpInvalidQueryRequest | 35920 | HTTP: invalid query request. |
icHttpHeaderAlreadyExists | 35921 | HTTP: Header already exists. |
icHttpRedirectFailed | 35922 | HTTP: redirect failed. |
icSecurityChannelError | 35923 | Security channel error. |
icUnableToCacheFile | 35924 | Unable to cache file. |
icHttpCookieNeedsConfirmation | 35927 | You must confirm a server-supplied cookie before the download can proceed. |
icHttpCookieDeclined | 35928 | A cookie supplied by the server was not accepted. |
icServerUnreachable | 35930 | The requested server was unable to be connected to. This was determined by receipt of a WSAEHOSTUNREACH error from WinSock. |
icProxyServerUnreachable | 35931 | The requested proxy server was unable to be reached. |
icBadAutoProxyScript | 35932 | There is an error in the proxy auto-configuration script, so the script cannot be run. |
icUnableToDownloadScript | 35933 | The required proxy auto-configuration file could not be retrieved. |
icHttpRedirectNeedsConfirmation | 35934 | You must confirm a protocol-level redirection before the download can proceed. |
icSecInvalidCert | 35935 | The certificate is invalid. |
icSecCertRevoked | 35936 | The certificate has been revoked. |
icFailedDueToSecurityCheck | 35937 | The operation you attempted failed because it could not pass the security check. |