Trappable Errors for the Internet Transfer Control

The following tables list the trappable errors and constants for the Internet Transfer control.

Constant Value Description
icOutOfMemory 7 "Out of memory"
icDisconnected 10 The computer has been disconnected from the network.
icTypeMismatch 13 "Type mismatch"
icInvalidPropertyValue 380 Invalid property value
icInetOpenFailed 35750 Unable to open internet handle.
icOpenFailed 35751 "Unable to open URL"
icBadUrlL 35752 "URL is malformed"
icProtMismatch 35753 "Protocol not supported for this method"
icConnectFailed 35754 "Unable to connect to remote host"
icNoRemoteHost 35755 "No remote computer is specified"
icRequestFailed 35756 "Unable to complete request"
icNoExecute 35757 "You must execute an operation before retrieving data"
icBlewChunk 35758 "Unable to retrieve data"
icFtpCommandFailed 35759 "FTP command failed"
icUnsupportedType 35760 "Cannot coerce type"
icTimeOut 35761 "Request timed out"
icUnsupportedCommand 35762 "Not a valid or supported command"
icInvalidOperation 35763 "Invalid operation  argument"
icExecuting 35764 "Still executing last request"
icInvalidForFtp 35765 "This call is not valid for an FTP connection"
icOutOfHandles 35767 "Out of handles"
icinetTimeout 35768 "Timeout"
icInetTimeout 35768 Timeout
icExtendedError 35769 Extended error.
icIntervalError 35770 Internal error.
icInvalidURL 35771 Invalid URL.
icUnrecognizedScheme 35772 Unrecognized scheme
icNameNotResolved 35773 Name not resolved.
icProtocolNotFound 35774 Protocol not found.
icInvalidOption 35775 Invalid option.
icBadOptionLength 35776 Bad option length.
icOptionNotSettable 35777 Option not settable
icShutDown 35778 Shutdown
icIncorrectUserName 35779 Incorrect User name.
icLoginFailure 35781 Login failure.
icInetIvalidOperation 35782 Invalid operation.
icOperationCancelled 35783 Operation cancelled.
icIncorrectHandleType 35784 incorrect handle type.
icIncorrectHandleState 35785 incorrect handle state.
icNotProxyRequest 35786 Not a proxy.
icRegistryValueNotFound 35787 Registry value not found.
icbadRegistryParameter 35788 bad registry parameter.
icNoDirectAccess 35789 No direct access.
icIncorrectPassword 35780 Incorrect password.
icNoContext 35790 No context.
icNoCallback 35791 No callback.
icRequestPending 35792 Request pending.
icIncorrectFormat 35793 Incorrect format.
icItemNotFound 35794 Item not found.
icCannotConnect 35795 Cannot connect.
icConnectionAborted 35796 Connection aborted.
icConnectionReset 35797 Connection reset.
icForceEntry 35798 Force entry.
icInvalidProxyRequest 35799 Invalid proxy request
icWouldBlock 35800 Would block.
icHandleExists 35802 Handle exists.
icSecCertDateInvalid 35803 Security certificate date invalid.
icSecCertCnInvalid 35804 Security certificate number invalid.
icHttpsToHttpOnRedir 35806 HTTPS to HTTP on redirect.
icMixedSecurity 35807 Mixed security
icChgPostIsNotSecure 35808 Change post is not secure
icHttpToHttpsOnRedir 35808 HTTPS to HTTP on redirect.
icPostIsNonSecure 35809 Post is non-secure.
icClientAuthCertNeeded 35810 Client authorization certificate needed.
icInvalidCa 35811 Invalid client authorization.
icClientAuthNotSetup 35812 Client Authorization not set up.
icAsyncThreadFailed 35813 Async thread failed.
icRedirectSchemeChange 35814 Redirect scheme change.
icDialogPending 35815 The operation is suspended until you dismiss an open dialog box.
icRetryDialog 35816 Attempt the operation again.
icHttpsHttpSubmitRedir 35818 You must reattempt the operation again because a security zone check failed.
icInsertCdrom 35819 The installable CD cache requires a CD-ROM to be present in the drive.
icFtpTransferInProgress 35876 FTP: transfer in progress.
icFtpDropped 35877 Connection dropped.
icFtpNoPassiveMode 35878 A PASSIVE mode connection was attempted (that is, the original connect request specified INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE), but the server does not allow that mode.
icGopherProtocolError 35896 Gopher: protocol error.
icGopherNotFile 35897 Gopher: not a file.
icGopherDataError 35898 Gopher: data error.
icGopherEndOfData 35899 Gopher: end of data.
icGopherInvalidLocator 35900 Gopher: invalid locator.
icGopherIncorrectLocatorType 35901 Gopher: incorrect locator type.
icGopherNotGopherPlus 35902 Gopher: not Gopher plus.
icGopherAttributeNotFound 35903 Gopher: attribute not found.
icGopherUnknownLocator 35904 Gopher: unknown locator.
icHeaderNotFound 35916 HTTP: header not found.
icHttpDownlevelServer 35917 HTTP: downlevel server.
icHttpInvalidServerResponse 35918 HTTP: invalid server response.
icHttpInvalidHeader 35919 HTTP: invalid header.
icHttpInvalidQueryRequest 35920 HTTP: invalid query request.
icHttpHeaderAlreadyExists 35921 HTTP: Header already exists.
icHttpRedirectFailed 35922 HTTP: redirect failed.
icSecurityChannelError 35923 Security channel error.
icUnableToCacheFile 35924 Unable to cache file.
icHttpCookieNeedsConfirmation 35927 You must confirm a server-supplied cookie before the download can proceed.
icHttpCookieDeclined 35928 A cookie supplied by the server was not accepted.
icServerUnreachable 35930 The requested server was unable to be connected to. This was determined by receipt of a WSAEHOSTUNREACH error from WinSock.
icProxyServerUnreachable 35931 The requested proxy server was unable to be reached.
icBadAutoProxyScript 35932 There is an error in the proxy auto-configuration script, so the script cannot be run.
icUnableToDownloadScript 35933 The required proxy auto-configuration file could not be retrieved.
icHttpRedirectNeedsConfirmation 35934 You must confirm a protocol-level redirection before the download can proceed.
icSecInvalidCert 35935 The certificate is invalid.
icSecCertRevoked 35936 The certificate has been revoked.
icFailedDueToSecurityCheck 35937 The operation you attempted failed because it could not pass the security check.