The example shows a series of common FTP operations using the Execute method. The example assumes that three TextBox controls exist on the form. The first, txtURL contains the URL of the FTP server. The second, txtRemotePath, contains additional information needed by the particular command. The third, txtResponse, contains the response of the server.
Private Sub cmdChangeDirectory_Click()
' Change directory to txtRemotePath.
Inet1.Execute txtURL.Text, "CD " & _
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDELETE_Click()
' Delete the directory in txtRemotePath.
Inet1.Execute txtURL.Text, "DELETE " & _
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDIR_Click()
Inet1.Execute txtURL.Text, "DIR FindThis.txt"
End Sub
Private Sub cmdGET_Click()
Inet1.Execute txtURL.Text, _
"GET GetThis.txt C:\MyDocuments\GotThis.txt"
End Sub
Private Sub cmdSEND_Click()
Inet1.Execute txtURL.Text, _
"SEND C:\MyDocuments\Send.txt SentDocs\Sent.txt"
End Sub
Private Sub Inet1_StateChanged(ByVal State As Integer)
' Retrieve server response using the GetChunk
' method when State = 12.
Dim vtData As Variant ' Data variable.
Select Case State
' ... Other cases not shown.
Case icError ' 11
' In case of error, return ResponseCode and
' ResponseInfo.
vtData = Inet1.ResponseCode & ":" & _
Case icResponseCompleted ' 12
Dim vtData As Variant
Dim strData As String
Dim bDone As Boolean: bDone = False
' Get first chunk.
vtData = Inet1.GetChunk(1024, icString)
Do While Not bDone
strData = strData & vtData
' Get next chunk.
vtData = Inet1.GetChunk(1024, icString)
If Len(vtData) = 0 Then
bDone = True
End If
txtData.Text = strData
End Select
End Sub