Class Debuggerpublic final class Debugger { // Fields public static final PrintStream out public static final int EXEC_MODEL_INTERPRETED; public static final int EXEC_MODEL_NATIVE; public static final int EXEC_MODEL_COM; public static final int EXEC_MODEL_JIT; public static final int EXEC_MODEL_FAST_INTERPRETED; // Methods public static native void breakpoint (); public static native boolean isDebugging (); public static void setDebugThread (Thread t, boolean candebug); public static void setDebugThread (boolean candebug); public static boolean isDebugThread (Thread t); public static boolean isDebugThread (); public static native int getExecutionModelOfCaller (int depth); public static native int getInitialExecutionModelOfMethod (java.lang.reflect.Method m); public static String ExecutionModeltoString (int em); public static String getExecutionModelStringOfCaller (int depth); public static String getExecutionModelStringOfCaller (); } This class provides methods that set breakpoints and debugging states for threads. Methodsbreakpointpublic static native void breakpoint (); ExecutionModeltoStringpublic static String ExecutionModeltoString (int em); getExecutionModelOfCallerpublic static native int getExecutionModelOfCaller (int depth); getExecutionModelStringOfCallerpublic static String getExecutionModelStringOfCaller (int depth); getExecutionModelStringOfCallerpublic static String getExecutionModelStringOfCaller (); getInitialExecutionModelOfMethodpublic static native int getInitialExecutionModelOfMethod (java.lang.reflect.Method m); isDebuggingpublic static native boolean isDebugging (); isDebugThreadpublic static boolean isDebugThread (Thread t); isDebugThreadpublic static boolean isDebugThread (); setDebugThreadpublic static void setDebugThread (Thread t, boolean candebug); setDebugThreadpublic static void setDebugThread (boolean candebug); Fields