Microsoft® JScript TotalSize Property |
Language Reference |Version 3 |
Returns the total space, in bytes, of a drive or network share.
object.TotalSizeThe object is always a Drive object.
The following code illustrates the use of the TotalSize property:function SpaceReport(drvPath) { var fso, d, s; fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); d = fso.GetDrive(fso.GetDriveName(drvPath)); s = "Drive " + drvPath + " - "; s += d.VolumeName + "<br>"; s += "Total Space: "+ d.TotalSize/1024 + " Kbytes <br>"; s += "Free Space: " + d.FreeSpace/1024 + " Kbytes"; return(s); }