The information in this article applies to:
- Microsoft Access versions 7.0, 97
Moderate: Requires basic macro, coding, and interoperability skills.
This article describes how to create a pop-up form for setting the sort
order of data in a report.
NOTE: This article explains a technique demonstrated in the sample
files, RptSampl.exe (for Microsoft Access for Windows 95 version 7.0)
and RptSmp97.exe (for Microsoft Access 97). For information about how
to obtain these sample files, please see the following articles in the
Microsoft Knowledge Base:
TITLE : ACC95: Microsoft Access Sample Reports Available on MSL
TITLE : ACC97: Microsoft Access 97 Sample Reports Available on MSL
This technique involves creating a pop-up form and a report in the sample
database Northwind. The form enables you to choose which report fields to
sort on and in which order: ascending or descending.
Creating the Report
- Open the sample database Northwind.mdb.
- Start the Report Wizard and create a report based on the Customers
- In the "Which fields do you want on your report" box, select the
following fields:
- Click Finish to display the new report in Print Preview.
- On the File menu, click Save As/Export. Enter "Sort Report" (without
the quotation marks) as the report name and click OK.
- Close the report.
Creating the Pop-up Form
- Create a new form not based on any table or query in Design view with
the following form properties:
Form: Sort Form
ScrollBars: Neither
RecordSelectors: No
NavigationButtons: No
PopUp: Yes
BorderStyle: Thin
MinMaxButtons: None
- Set the form's OnOpen property to the following event procedure:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
' Opens the report in Design view when the form opens.
DoCmd.OpenReport "Sort Report", acviewDesign
' ("acDesign" in Microsoft Access version 7.0)
End Sub
- Set the form's OnClose property to the following event procedure.
Private Sub Form_Close()
' Closes the report when the form closes.
DoCmd.Close acReport, "Sort Report"
End Sub
- Add the following five combo boxes:
NOTE: In the SQL expressions below, an underscore (_) at the end of
a line is used as a line-continuation character. Remove the underscore
from the end of the line when re-creating this expression.
Combo box:
Name: Sort1
RowSourceType: Field List
RowSource: Select [CompanyName], [ContactName], [City], _
[Region],[Country] from Customers
Combo box:
Name: Sort2
RowSourceType: Field List
RowSource: Select [CompanyName], [ContactName], [City], _
[Region],[Country] from Customers
Combo box:
Name: Sort3
RowSourceType: Field List
RowSource: Select [CompanyName], [ContactName], [City], _
[Region], [Country] from Customers
Combo box:
Name: Sort4
RowSourceType: Field List
RowSource: Select [CompanyName], [ContactName], [City], _
[Region], [Country] from Customers
Combo box:
Name: Sort5
RowSourceType: Field List
RowSource: Select [CompanyName], [ContactName], [City], _
[Region], [Country] from Customers
- Add the following five check boxes next to the combo boxes on the
form, which you can use later for selecting ascending or descending
order for your report:
Check box:
Name: Check1
Check box:
Name: Check2
Check box:
Name: Check3
Check box:
Name: Check4
Check box:
Name: Check5
- Add the following command button to the form, which enables you to
reset the values in the form's combo boxes and check boxes:
Command button:
OnClick: [Event procedure]
Set the OnClick [Event procedure] to the following:
Private Sub Clear_Click()
Dim intCounter as Integer
For intCounter= 1 To 5
Me("Sort" &intCounter) = ""
Me("Check" &intCounter) = ""
End Sub
- Add the following command button to the form:
Command button:
Name SetOrderBy
Caption SetOrderBy
OnClick: [Event procedure]
Set the OnClick [Event procedure] to the following:
Private Sub SetOrderBy_Click()
Dim strSQL as String, intCounter as Integer
' Build strSQL String.
For intCounter= 1 To 5
If Me("Sort" &intCounter) <> "" Then
strSQL = strSQL & "[" & Me("Sort" &intCounter) & "]"
If Me("Check" &intCounter) = True Then
strSQL = strSQL & " DESC"
End IF
strSQL = strSQL & ", "
End If
If strSQL <> "" Then
' Strip Last Comma & Space.
strSQL = Left(strSQL, (Len(strSQL) - 2))
' Set the OrderBy property.
Reports![Sort Report].OrderBy = strSQL
Reports![Sort Report].OrderByOn = True
End If
End Sub
- Close and save the form as XXXXX.
Sorting the Report
- Open XXXXX in Form view. Note that the report opens in Design view
behind the form.
- Select a value in the first combo box, and then click the SetOrderBy
button. The report should appear sorted by the field you selected in
the combo box.
- Click to select the first check box, and then click the SetOrderby
button. You should see the report sorted in descending order by the
field you selected in the combo box.
For more information about the filter property, search the Help Index for
"Filter Property," or ask the Microsoft Access 97 Office Assistant.
For more information about filter by form or filter by selection, search
the Help Index for "Filter By Form" or "Filter By Selection," or ask the
Microsoft Access 97 Office Assistant.