WD: Information About the EditConversionOptions MacroLast reviewed: August 12, 1997Article ID: Q172498 |
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SUMMARYThe EditConversionOptions macro enables you to set text and graphic converter filter options from within Microsoft Word. Once the option is set by using this macro, the saving and/or opening of a foreign file format, such as a Text with Layout, in Microsoft Word will use a file called MSTXTCNV.INI in the Windows folder. The EditConversionOptions macro is found in a template that ships with Microsoft Word. For information about how to access this macro, please see the following articles in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
For Word 6.x
ARTICLE-ID: Q105765 TITLE : Macros in the CONVERT, LAYOUT, TABLES, and MACRO60 Templates For Word 7.x
ARTICLE-ID: Q116728 TITLE : Word for Windows 95: Files Installed During Setup For Word 97
ARTICLE-ID: Q162490 TITLE : WD97: How to Access Sample Macros for Word 97 MORE INFORMATIONThe following information describes the conversion filter's options found within the EditConversionOptions macro and gives a description of what each option does.
For Word 6.xThe macro EDITCONVERSIONOPTIONS is contained in the file called CONVERT.DOT.
CONVERSION SETTING EXPLANATION - RFT-DCA AbsLineSpacing=No Single line spacing differs in Word and RFT-DCA formats. In RFT-DCA format, single line spacing specifies a line density of 6 lines per inch. In Word, single line spacing sets spacing to accommodate the tallest character in each line. Choose "Yes" to emulate RFT-DCA line spacing as closely as possible by converting to Exact line spacing in Word. Leave setting as "No" to convert line spacing as single. StrikeThrough Type the character to be used to emulate the strikethrough format of Word when saving as RFT-DCA format. Any ANSI character greater than 33 and less than 127 can be used. The default setting is the ANSI hyphen character. Tab=DecimalTab Enter "CommaTab" to convert Word decimal tabs to comma tabs when saving as RFT-DCA format. Leave setting as "DecimalTab" to convert decimal tab to RFT-DCA decimal tabs. TranslateBeta=German Enter "Greek" to translate the ANSI Beta character to the Greek Beta character when saving as RFT-DCA format. Leave setting as "German" to translate the Beta character to the German ess-set character. Variant=DW4Z Enter "5520" to write special RFT-DCA constructs if you are saving to RFT-DCA format for use in a 5520 environment. Leave as "DW4Z" if you do not plan to use the RFT-DCA file in a 5520 environment. - Text with Layout CharMaps=a,a Enter a Word character followed by a comma and the character you want to map this Word character to when saving as Text with Layout. Multiple mappings are separated by a semicolon. For example, a, b, and c can be mapped to A, B, and C by specifying "a,A;b,B;c,C". The neutral default setting of "a,a" is provided as a syntax example. Width=80 Enter a value between 1 and 80 characters to specify the absolute maximum number of characters that can appear on one line when saving as Text with Layout. Specifying a lesser value allows full lines to be displayed on screens which display fewer than 80 characters per line. If the formatting in your Word document allows fewer characters per line, document formatting takes precedence over this setting. PointSize=24 Enter a point size to control the number of characters that fit per line. Specifying a value less than 12 allows more characters to fit on each line, and can be used to prevent premature line wrapping in a text file. - Word for MS-DOS 3.0-6.0 ConvertMerge=Yes Choose "No" to convert Word for MS-DOS chevron characters (ASCII 174 and 175) as normal text. Leave setting as "Yes" to recognize sets of left and right chevron characters as merge field delimiters and to convert them to Word for Windows as mail merge fields. MWINI=No Enter the full path to the directory location of the Word for MS-DOS MW.INI initialization file to use the variable settings contained in this file (for example, default language, tab-steps, and margins) for conversion. This file is not required for conversion. Leave setting as "No" if you do not want to use this file during conversion. MirrorOriginal=No Choose "Yes" to optimize visual fidelity at the possible expense of editability when converting a Word for MS-DOS document to Word for Windows. Leave setting as "No" to optimize conversion for editability. NewSectForHdrFtr=Yes Word for MS-DOS allows definition of headers and footers beginning on any page in a section. Word for Windows only allows definition of headers and footers to begin on the first or second page of a section. Choose "No" to convert headers and footers as normal text at the start of a section. Leave setting as "Yes" to insert continuous section breaks at the locations where new headers and footers are defined. PCWordLayout=Yes Default line spacing and treatment of superscript/subscript text relative to line spacing in Word for Windows differs from that applied in Word for MS-DOS. Choose "No" to convert document so that it reflects Word for Windows look and feel as closely as possible. Leave setting as "Yes" to emulate the original Word for MS-DOS line spacing layout as closely as possible. StyleDialog=Yes Choose "No" to retain all Word for MS-DOS style information as direct formatting when converting to Word for Windows. Leave setting as "Yes" to display a dialog box during conversion that prompts for the location of a style sheet when the style sheet originally attached to the Word for MS-DOS document cannot be found. TabsInHangInd=Yes Choose "No" to convert Word for MS-DOS paragraphs with hanging indents literally when converting to Word for Windows. Leave setting as "Yes" to modify tabs in hanging indents to more accurately reflect original Word for MS-DOS layout. - Word for Macintosh 4.0-5.1 ConvertMerge=Yes Choose "No" to convert Word for MS-DOS chevron characters (ASCII 174 and 175) as normal text. Leave setting as "Yes" to recognize sets of left and right chevron characters as merge field delimiters and to convert them to Word for Windows as mail merge fields. FontDialog=Yes Choose "No" to suppress display of a dialog box prompting whether you want to use custom font-mapping file when saving from Word for Windows as Word for the Macintosh 4.0 format. Leave setting as "Yes" to allow the dialog box to be displayed during conversion. RetainInclude=Yes Choose "No" to retain only results of a Word for Windows INCLUDETEXT field when saving as Word for the Macintosh format. Leave setting as "Yes" to convert the INCLUDETEXT field to an equivalent Word for the Macintosh <<INCLUDE>> instructions. - Works for MS-DOS ConvertMerge=Yes Choose "No" to convert Word for MS-DOS chevron characters (ASCII 174 and 175) as normal text. Leave setting as "Yes" to recognize sets of left and right chevron characters as merge field delimiters and to convert them to Word for Windows as mail merge fields. - WordPerfect Graphics Filter RetainBackground=0 Clearing the value removes the background from WPG images. Setting the value to "1" retains background color. Removing the background color often improves image clarity. - WordPerfect 5.x DisplayWPGDialog=No Clearing the value suppresses a dialog box that shows the progress of individual WPG graphics as they are converted during document conversion. Setting the value to "Yes" displays this dialog box during conversion of files containing WPG graphics. FavourAppearance=Yes Clearing the value allows small formatting changes, such as condensing fully justified text when importing WordPerfect documents, to mimic the original documents appearance. Setting the value to "No" suppresses the formatting changes. For Word 7.xThe macro EDITCONVERSIONOPTIONS is contained in the file called CONVERT7.DOT. All of the settings from Word 6.x apply, with one additional setting as follows:
CONVERSION SETTING EXPLANATION - WordPerfect 6.x DisplayWPGDialog=No Clearing the value suppresses a dialog box that shows the progress of individual WPG graphics as they are converted during document conversion. Setting the value to "Yes" displays this dialog box during conversion of files containing WPG graphics. For Word 97The macro EDITCONVERSIONOPTIONS is contained in the file called CONVERT8.WIZ.
Additional query words: 6.00a 6.00c 7.00a 8.00 word6 word7 word8 word95
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