Address Types

E-mail addresses in MAPI are defined by two properties. The address type, PR_ADDRTYPE, is a string property that names the messaging system the address is destined for. It is used by MAPI to assign responsibility for an e-mail address to the right transport provider. The e-mail address itself, PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS, is another string whose format varies depending upon PR_ADDRTYPE. It is not interpreted by MAPI, but by the transport provider and by the messaging system itself.

This appendix lists address types known to MAPI at this time and the corresponding e-mail address formats. Several of these address types, including SMTP, X400, and FAX are used by a large number of messaging systems. It is important that all MAPI components agree on the type name and address format for such common types, so they can interoperate smoothly. MAPI address book providers, MAPI transport providers, and gateways to messaging systems with MAPI-based clients should all take note of this specification.

To define a new address type, to make comments or suggestions about the information in this appendix, or to request more information, send e-mail to The following table, and many of the address type specifications that follow, are work in progress.

Messaging system Address type (PR_ADDRTYPE) Owner or reference document
3Com 3+Mail 3COM 3Com (3+Open)
AT&T Easylink Services ATT AT&T
Lotus cc:Mail (proposed) CCMAIL IBM
CompuServe (proposed) COMPUSERVE Compuserve
Microsoft Exchange Server EX Microsoft
Facsimile FAX
MCI MAIL MCI MCI Communications Corp.
Novell Message Handling System MHS Novell
Microsoft Mail Server for PC Networks MS Microsoft
Microsoft Mail Server for Appletalk Networks MSA Starnine Technologies®
The Microsoft Network MSN Microsoft
Professional Office System PROFS
Internet SMTP Internet Request for Comments (RFC) 822
SNA Distribution System SNADS
Telex (proposed) TELEX
X.400 Message Handling System X400 CCITT X.400 series specifications
X.500 Directory Services X500 CCITT X.500 series specifications