List of Property Identifier Ranges

The following table summarizes the different ranges for property identifiers, describing the owner for the properties in each range.

Identifier range Description
0000 Reserved by MAPI for the special value PR_NULL.
0001 - 0BFF Message envelope properties defined by MAPI.
0C00 - 0DFF Recipient properties defined by MAPI.
0E00 - 0FFF Non-transmittable message properties defined by MAPI.
1000 - 2FFF Message content properties defined by MAPI.
3000 - 3FFF Properties for objects other than messages and recipients defined by MAPI.
4000 - 57FF Message envelope properties defined by transport providers.
5800 - 5FFF Recipient properties defined by transport and address book providers.
6000 - 65FF Non-transmittable message properties defined by clients.
6600 - 67FF Non-transmittable properties defined by a service provider. These properties can be visible or invisible to users.
6800 - 7BFF Message content properties for custom message classes defined by creators of those classes.
7C00 - 7FFF Non-transmittable properties for custom message classes defined by creators of those classes.
8000 - FFFE Properties defined by clients and occasionally service providers that are identified by name through the IMAPIProp::GetNamesFromIDs and IMAPIProp::GetIDsFromNames methods.
FFFF Reserved by MAPI for the special error value PROP_ID_INVALID.

The range between 3000 and 3FFF is reserved for properties that are not related to either messages or recipients. MAPI divides this range into sub-ranges by types of object; the following table shows this further breakdown.

Identifier range Type of property
3000 - 33FF Common properties that appear on multiple objects, such as PR_DISPLAY_NAME and PR_ENTRYID.
3400 - 35FF Message store properties
3600 - 36FF Folder and address book container properties
3700 - 38FF Attachment properties
3900 - 39FF Address book properties
3A00 - 3BFF Messaging user properties
3C00 - 3CFF Distribution list properties
3D00 - 3DFF Profile properties
3E00 - 3FFF Status object properties