MAPISVC.INF [Services] Section

The [Services] section lists the message services that are installed on a computer. Entries in this section use the following format:

message-service section name = message service name

The message-service section name is a string defined by the message service that links this entry to a corresponding section for the service elsewhere in MAPISVC.INF. The message service name is the name of the installed service. The following section shows three message services: the Default Address Book, My Own Service, and the Message Store Service. These services are fictional, for illustration purposes only. Each message service implementer would substitute the appropriate entry for his or her message service in this section.

AB=Default Address Book 
MsgService=My Own Service 
MS=Message Store Service 

Each entry in this section has a corresponding section of its own where information for the message service is stored. For example, the corresponding section for the Default Address Book is called [AB].