
The GetInstance function copies one value within a multivalued property to a single-valued property of the same type.

Note This function may not be supported in future versions of MAPI.

Quick Info

Header file: MAPIUTIL.H
Implemented by: MAPI
Called by: Client applications and service providers

VOID GetInstance(
  LPSPropValue pvalMv,   
  LPSPropValue pvalSv,   
  ULONG uliInst          


[in] Pointer to an SPropValue structure defining a multivalued property.
[in] Pointer to a single-valued property to receive data.
[in] The instance number, that is, the array element, of the value being copied from the structure indicated by the pvalMv parameter.


If the value copied is too large for the allocated memory, the GetInstance function only copies pointers rather than allocating new memory.

See Also

Properties Functions