
The MapStorageSCode function maps an HRESULT return value from an OLE storage object to a MAPI return value of the SCODE type.

Note This function may not be supported in future versions of MAPI.

Quick Info

Header file: IMESSAGE.H
Implemented by: MAPI
Called by: Client applications and service providers

SCODE MapStorageSCode(
  SCODE StgSCode  


[in] HRESULT return value from an OLE storage object to be mapped to a MAPI SCODE value.

Return Values

The call succeeded and returned the expected value.
The function cannot find a matching value.


MAPI provides the MapStorageSCode function for the internal use of MAPI components that base their message implementations on the message DLL. Because these components open OLE storage themselves, they must be able to map error values returned for problems with OLE storage to MAPI SCODE values.

For more information, see Structured Storage.

See Also

IStorage Functions